Where They Get Invited

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****Where They Get Invited****

*Author's P.O.V.* 
Months passed and Beca and Jesse have been getting along just fine with their new arrangements. Derek and Beca have been having a great time together. AJ has kept them busy but they have cut out time in their schedules to be together, just Beca and Derek.

The occasional nights that Beca would return to her home late from work, she'll give AJ a quick kiss, careful not to wake him, and she and Derek would cuddle in her bed and watch a movie. She still doesn't care for movies, but after years of being with Jesse and AJ, she's picked a few of her favorites. She does; however, steer clear of The Breakfast Club. Though it is her absolute favorite, it's also her and Jesse's movie. That'll just bring old feelings resurfacing and she doesn't need that causing an awkward drift between her and Derek. Other nights, whether she's home early or off, she and Derek can be found playing a mean game of tonsil tennis, and when AJ isn't home, they're also known to do a round or two in the bedroom.

Jesse and Maddy, on the other hand, are not so subtle. No matter where they're at, they always find the perfect ways to tease each other until they're back in Jesse's penthouse making love on every square inch. It doesn't matter what time it is, if one of them is in the mood, they're both in the mood. Friends, such as Benji and Johnna (Maddy's best friend), describe their love as that annoying yet adorable love. They're annoyed when they're cute or teasing but they cannot help but see the adorableness that is Masse. They should just consider themselves lucky that don't witness the full force of their love.

After a great night's sleep, Beca awoke before her boyfriend and son. She was still wrapped in Derek's warm embrace and she laid there a few minutes, enjoying the warmth. After placing a soft kiss on his lips, she carefully released herself from his grip. He shuffled around beneath the blankets and Beca froze, hoping she didn't wake him. She watched as he slowly settled back into the bed, pulling the blanket to his chin, his breathing still even. She relaxed and let out a relieved sigh as she continued to crawl out of the bed. 

After a nice shower and a quick round of daily chores, Beca lounged on the couch doing the one thing she can't remember doing in years. Making mixes. She strung her equiptment around her on the couch, and pulling the big black Dr. Dre Beats headphones over her head, she was sucked into her old world of music. Her head bobbed and her fingers moved quickly around the keys as she changed the chord progressions to her likings. She was absorbed in the music that when a pair of lips met her cheek, she jumped like a mile high. She looked up to a smiling Derek and slid her headphones off.

"Geez Derek, you scared the holy h*ll out of me." he chuckled at her. "Sorry. Whatcha doing?" he eyed the screen but couldn't understand a single bit of the technical crap going on. "I'm mixing music, you know, making mash ups."

"Cool. I didn't know you did this." He said as he slid onto the couch beside her, careful not to mess with the equiptment. "Yeah, well I haven't done it in a few years. I've been too busy. With you and AJ sleeping I figured I'd take advantage of it. Speaking of which, it's past noon. Why did you sleep so late?"

"Oh AJ and I had very hard, very long game of Monster Dog while you were at work last night. Guess who got to be the monster."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Beca couldn't contain her laughter. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. Next time, it'll be you." She stifled the last bit of laughter and pulled her sexiest voice into play. "I'm sorry my son is so hyperactive, " -Just like his father, she thought. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"  she nudged her laptop off of her lap and a smile tugged at Derek's lips as he realized what she's doing. "There may be something."

She giggled as she turned and straddled his lap. His arms snaked around her waist and she rested her hands on his chest, holding herself up. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Beca finally felt Derek's warm lips wrapping around hers. She kissed him back, soft and slow. It was just a matter of seconds before his hands began roaming her body and their lips increased their pace. Her hand slid down to remove his pajama shirt but was interrupted.

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