Where the Universe is Corrected

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****Where the Universe is Corrected****

*Stacie's P.O.V.*

"Ew! No! Why would I have sex with him?!" That was a weird and stupid question. "He said you did." Beca responded and I felt pretty wounded. "Beca, I may have a lot of sex but I do not sleep with my friends' boyfriends. I'm hurt that you would even think that."

"I'm so sorry, Stace. I know you wouldn't do that, in just pretty high strung right now."

"What happened?" She looked at me and took a deep breath. "I broke up with Derek because I still love and want to tlbe with Jesse." She watched me, gauging my reaction. I knew she was expecting me to be shocked, but I'm really not. "Its about time you admit it."

"What?" She was the one who was shocked. "Oh come on, Bec. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. The lingering looks, the sharing of memories, the smile? You guys never stopped loving each other. The rest of us were just waiting for you to admit it. I really thought it would've been sooner since you guys have been f*cking each other."

"How'd you-" I cut her off, already knowing the question and answer. "You guys aren't very subtle...or quiet. If he's as good as your screams claim, I want a turn with him." Beca's arm snaked protectively around Jesse's waist and I chuckled at her. "You guys are adorable. So, when are you going to tell everyone else?"

"I don't know, we haven't thought that far ahead."_

"Well, I vote now. Let's go." Before they could object, I grabbed them and pulled them downstairs. We told everyone and, long story short.

Nobody was surprised.

*Derek's P.O.V.*

"Well f*ck her. I always hated that b*tch anyway, especially after her little rendezvous with my ex boyfriend."

"Yeah. Who needs them? We can find people who actually deserve us."

After everything with Beca and her f*ckface of a boyfriend, I stormed out of Chloe's house. Taking a minute or so, I went through the first few stages of the 5 stages of grief. I denied that it had happened, I was angry about it, and I bargained with the universe to get my girl back. Now I'm in the depressed stage hoping that acceptance will soon come. In my depressed state, I made my to a local bar and coincidentally ran into Maddy, Jesse's ex. The two of us have spent the past hour drinking and talking and getting drunk.

"Exactly. I can find somebody that isn't in love with his ex and doesn't f*ck her in the bed that we share." Maddy said, taking a gulp of her drink. "Yeah. And I can find someone who doesn't bhave another man's child and that likes me. All of me."

"Oh but I'm gonna miss that AJ. He's an adorable little scamp."

"Me too. Maybe we shouldn't have been so harsh. I mean, I know what they did is wrong but we all know what its like to be in hopelessly and unconditionally in love with someone."

"You're right. Maybe we can try to make things right." I nodded in agreeance and it went quiet. "So...mdo you wanna, like, have sex now or something?" I looked at her and, with my half intoxicated mind, thought about it. "That sounds fun."

"Cool. I rented a hotel room a few blocks away. Let's go."

*Beca's P.O.V.*

"Hey! That's cheating you little booger!" I hears Jesse's voice when I came downstairs after my shower. I stood at the dorrway and watched the two play Candyland, a smile on my face. "Nuh uh. Mommy does it." AJ argued with his father. "Well your mommy is a cheater."

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