Where the Truth is Revealed

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****Where the Truth is Revealed**** 

*Author's P.O.V.* 

Jesse woke up feeling great and well rested. He stretched out and the feeling of the sheet rubbing his bare skin gave him an unnecassary reminder of last night.

He got her back.

Beca is his again and it's like his life has been returned to him. He smiled as he remembered the soft, sweet way she made love to him last night after saying she wouldn't. They had been in the bathroom and Jesse insisted on kissing her in every one of her soft spots, which he knew like the back of his hand. She sat there and let him, unkowingly being seduced. Eventually, she cracked and had dragged him into her room and made slow, sweet love to him the way the two had craved since they laid eyes on each other.

He took a moment to reconfigure his senses before rolling over. He came face to face with a sleeping Beca. She looked so beautiful sleeping next to him so peacefully. She looked happy. Jesse couldn't resist the urge to touch her and he ran his fingertip gently across her cheek as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. He continued moving his hand, running his fingers down the back of her neck and spine until he reached her waist. Even in her sleep, his touch still sent shivers through her and goosebumps poked at her skin.

He leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her cheek. Wanting more he gently pushed her onto her back and placed kisses on her lips. She woke up and he smiled when he felt her lips join his. "Hi." she whispered when he pulled away. Being the nerd he is, he responded in song. Putting his lips to her ear, he softly sang to her in perfect pitch with his perfect voice.

"Good morning beautiful, how was your night? Mine was wonderful with you by my side. And when I opened my eyes to see your sweet face. It's a good morning beautiful day." she giggled and used her equally perfect voice to sing the next verse.

"I couldn't see the light, I didn't know day from night. I had no reason to care. Well, since you came along, I can face the dawn. 'Cause I know you will be there." he chuckled and kissed her again. "How did I get lucky enough to get the most perfect human being in the world?" he asked between kisses. She just giggled again and slightly deepened the kiss.

"Are you ready to face everyone?" he asked when he pulled away. He grabbed her hands and began lightly tracing shapes on them. "Everyone I can handle. Derek? Not so much." she replied as she watched Jesse mess with her hands. "I just don't want to hurt him. I hate hurting people. That's partially why I closed everyone off before." he ran his hands up her arms and tilted her head to look at him. "It'll be okay, baby. He may not like what you have to say but if he so much as raises his voice at you, I'll kill him. I promise."

"I love you." she said with a light giggle. "I love you more." her smile made him smile. "That's not possible." he moved his face closer to hers. "We'll see about that." she smiled as his lips conneced with hers. She accepted and his tongue jolted into her mouth and he kissed her long and passionately. She moaned slightly as his lips slid over hers.

"What the f*ck?!!

*Beca's P.O.V.*

"What the f*ck?!" my lips were immediately released from Jesse's and I kept my face hidden behind him. "Sh*t." I cursed. "Hey, you will be okay." Jesse said, locking his eyes to mine. "I will be right outside the door ready to kill him if you need it, okay?" I nodded. "You got this, baby." he gave me a quick kiss before crawling off of me and heading for the door, staring Derek down on his way out.

"Beca, what the h*ll was that? Are you cheating on me? You better not be. I've done nothing to deserve it." Derek said the moment the door was closed. "Calm down, Derek." I said as I pulled myself into the sitting postion, clutching the blanket to my half naked body. "I will as soon as you tell me that you're not cheating on me with God d*mn son of a b*tch!!" 

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