Where She's Positive By 3 Weeks

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****WhereShe'sPositiveBy 3 Weeks****

*Author's P.O.V.*

"How the h*ll am I pregnant?!" Beca yelled in panic. The test was positive and, though its her second time, she is not excited as much as worried. "Well, you guys have been having a lot of sex. Did you ever bother to use a condom?"

"F*ck! It kept slipping my mind! All I wanted was Jesse." Beca slammed her tiny but mighty fists on the marble counter. "Beca, why are you so worried? This isn't the first time you've done this."

"That's exactly why." She whispered as she rubbed the heels of her hands in her eyes. "I don't understand." Chloe urged her panicked friend to explain. Beca sat on the edge of the tub and Chloe sat on the toilet across from her. "I don't want to lose him again." Beca said, leaving Chloe confused. Why would you lose him?- she wondered. As if reading her mind, Beca began to explain.

"The last time I was pregnant was a disaster. Yes, I was blessed with my perfect baby boy, but I was also cursed with losing my perfect man. I love Jesse, but I'm not sure if our relationship is secure enough for another child. I care about him too much to lose him." Chloe understood perfectly now. Beca's insecurities are blocking her view of the wonderful things that can happen in her life. The wonderful things Chloe knows will happen in her life. Beca is slowly rebuilding those protective walls only for Chloe to knock them right back down.

"Beca, Jesse isn't the same man he was 4 years ago. He's matured in many ways."

"Like how?" Beca asked, doubting her man's maturity. "Well, his body sure has matured. I mean, d*mn! Did he lift weights to keep you off if his mind?" Beca smiled in agreeance. "You should see his *gestures to her groin area* its, wow!" Chloe giggled.

"Oh, he's also gotten less nerdy. I mean, not a lot but on a scale from Benji to Aubrey, Benji being the nerdiest, he's a solid Amy." Beca shrugged. "He's not as amused by dirty things and let's not forget his feelings about you, Beca." Beca's body stiffened at those words. "It's obvious his feelings about you have changed. The guy is even more in love with you than when you guys were freshmen." Beca softened up.

"Beca, he could never stop loving you, no matter how much he tries. Everybody falls in love with you, you're loveable! She won't admit it, but even Aubrey loves you, too. We all do." Beca's cheeks flushed red. "Beca, you have nothing to worry about. You're gonna have this baby, Jesse is gonna love him or her, you two are gonna get married, and you will get your happy ending. You guys deserve it, and let's face it, its inevitable." Beca giggled at her friend. "Thank you, Chloe."

"What are best friends for?" Chloe responded then pulled the tiny brunette into her arms. "You know what I still don't understand?" Chloe asked, still holding Beca. "Math?" Beca joked, getting a giggle from Chloe. "If we just found out you're pregnant, why are you already showing?"

"That's a good question." Beca was suddenly alert and pulled out of the semi comfortable hug. "I didn't show for almost 2 months with AJ." She said as she examined her belly. "Maybe you're farther along than we think." Chloe suggested. "Maybe. We have to know for sure before I tell Jesse."

"Let's go then."

*Beca's P.O.V.*

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