Where the Miracle Happens

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****Where the Miracle Happens****

(Please ignore mistakes.)

It's three days after Beca's due date and everyone has been very cautious, she could pop at any moment. Since her separation from Jesse, Beca has been staying with Chloe. Though Chloe has numerously reassured her that she's not, Beca feels like a burden. She tries to help out as much as she can but, being nine months along, there's not much that she can do or that Chloe will let her do. Her days have been filled with doing nothing but sitting on the couch feeling worthless while Chloe does everything.

One morning, the baby moved just right, waking Beca up. Not able to fall asleep with the sudden hunger growing, she did something that she hasn't done in a long while. She put her top secret cooking skills to use and decided to whip up a nice big breakfast for her, Chloe, and the baby.

Little more than ten minutes later, Chloe wakes up to the delightful smell of eggs and bacon wafting into her room. With her mouth watering, she dragged herself put of bed and followed the beautiful scent to the culprit. She entered the kitchen just in time to see Beca place a bowl of eggs on the counter with the other varieties of breakfast food. Chloe eyed Beca's handy work, amazement written all over her face.

"Good morning." Beca's voice pulled Chloe back to the land of the living. "You made all of this?" Chloe asked. Beca followed her gaze before answering with an enthusiastic, "Yup."

"I didn't know you can cook "

"Unless your name is Jesse Swanson, there's no way you would've known. He's the only one I've ever cooked for up until now. It's not something I enjoy doing."

"Then why?"

"I don't know. Pregnancy, maybe." Chloe nodded a little then continued to stare at the food. "You know it's not just there for its impeccably great looks. You can eat it, it won't hurt you." Beca said, putting emphasis on the word can

"Promise?" Chloe asked with a wink. Beca smiled and rolled her eyes as she handed Chloe s plate.

Chloe began piling food onto her plate as Beca poured them a drink. Coffee for Chloe, milk for Beca and the baby. Beca then joined Chloe at the table with a plate piled with breakfast foods all mixed into one. Chloe watched in disgust as Beca added a few ingredients to her breakfast. She added; chocolate syrup, maple syrup, ketchup, peanut butter, nutella, mustard, A1 you know, the usual weird pregnancy cravings. Beca mixed the concoctions of liquids into her breakfast and took a huge bite, making Chloe cringe.

"What?" Beca asked when she caught a glimpse of Chloe's uneasy look. Chloe shook her head and replied, "Nothing. You're cravings are just, disgusting."

"What craving? This is how I always eat my breakfast." Chloe just looked at her. "I'm just kidding. This is definitely the pregnancy."


It's that awful time after every great meal to do the dreaded cleaning. The girls crinkled their noses at the huge mess their breakfast created. "Well, I guess we better get started." Chloe said then turned some music on. Beca watched her perky ginger make a complete fool out of herself as she danced around before joining her. They were laughing and doing terrible karaoke and half of the mess was cleaned up in no time.

With all of the goofing around, Beca didn't feel the first couple of conractions rumble through her but when the third one came, there was no mistaking it. Beca dropped the plate she was holding as the awful pain tore through her abdomen. The sound of the plate shattering on the ground was enough to get Chloe's attention. Chloe turned around to see Beca leaning against the counter, holding her stomach. She leaped over the shattered glass and held Beca's arm in support.

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