Where He Has A Birthday

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****Where He Has A Birthday****

In case you haven't kept track, this is chapter nine.

*Beca's P.O.V.*

Three months has gone by and I still can't get Jesse out of my mind. I remember everything as if it were yesterday. I remember the burning sensation in my lips when his lips would connect with them. The tingling in my skin when he touched me. The numbness of my tongue as his fought with mine. The penetration of his eyes as they stared right past mine and into my soul. And the volcano that erupted inside of me when he used my words Te quiero mucho.

I miss it, all of it.

Luckily for me, I have a mini Jesse. He doesn't do to me what his father does, that would be weird, but he is a spitting image of him. He even enjoys the same things as his father. In fact, he wants his birthday party to be Breakfast Club themed. Great. Just another reminder of Jesse. Welp, I guess it's time to wake my birthday boy and start our activity filled day.

Grabbing his early gift, I snuck into AJ's room and woke him. He mumbled a couple of times before slowly awakening. "Mommy?"

"Good morning." I whispered and kissed his cheek. "Can you guess what today is?" I asked. His face immediately lit up as the realization hit him. "My birthday!" He yelled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "That's right. You know what that means?"


"It means it's time for....birthday spankings!!" I yelled playfully. He shrieked and tried to get away but I scooped him up and laid him on his stomach. He just cackled, causing me to laugh, as I lightly tapped his butt.

"One....two....three....and a pinch to grow an inch!" Instead of pinching, I tickled him. He laughed even harder and flopped around, trying to squirm away. I stopped tickling him and scooped him into my arms. "You know what else birthday boys get?"

"Presents!!" He yelled, not even having to think about the answer. I chuckled as I reached beside the bed and picked up a box. "Here you go."

I watched as he excitedly ripped the wrapping paper off followed by the top half of the box. His face lit up the moment he laid eyes on his new tablet. "You like it?" I asked. He turned around and wrapped his arms around me. "You are the bestest mommy in the whole wide world!!"

I smiled as his little lips moved around my face. He kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, then my chin, then my nose, then my lips.

"Now buddy, this wasn't cheap and it comes with rules and responsibility. Okay?" He nodded. "You have to be careful with it. Don't take it outta the house without asking. Don't be on it all day. Don't be on it after 9. And before downloading anything, make sure it's ok with me first. Got it?"

"Yeah." He replied not really taking it seriously. "AJ, look at me." He stopped fooling around and obeyed. "This isn't a toy, it cost me a lot of money. You have to obey my rules. It's very important that you understand." He just nodded. "Say it."

"I understand, mommy." I smiled and the mood lightened. "Okay, get dressed. We have a lot to do today."


"So, who do you want to invite to your party?" I asked AJ. We're sitting in Denny's waiting on our food. AJ is concentrated on whatever he's drawing and I'm focused on how adorable his concentration face is. "Lots of people." He answered, not taking his eyes off the paper. "Like who?"

"Like Aunt Chloe and Uncle Ben and Daddy-"

"Daddy?" I repeated, dumbstruck by the sudden mention of my ex, the man I still love. "Um hm. Why?"

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