Where He's Diagnosed

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****Where He's Diagnosed****
*Beca's P.O.V.*
~Days After Chloe's Invite~

Derek, AJ, and I finally get off the plane to Georgia. Derek is carrying the luggage while I'm carrying my still sick and newly klonked out child into the airport. I scan the crowd until I find the familiar, blonde, Tasmanian woman holding a sign that reads:

Flatbutt, Mini Flatbutt, and Flatbutt's Man Candy! 

Ugh, just like the Amy I know and love. I chuckled at the sign as Derek questioned it. "What's with the flattbutt?" he asked. "It's a Bella thing." I answered before I was greeted with a loud, Tasmanian accented, "BECA!!" I immediately shushed her as I threw an arm around her for a quick hug. "What's wrong with mini Jesse?"

"He's not been feeling good. The sooner we get to Chloe's, the sonner he can rest properly."

"Well, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just really hope seeing his dad will help." I answered. "Can we go?" Amy nodded and led us to her car.


When we finally arrived at Chloe's, everyone was sitting outside. AJ had woken up and was very excited to see everyone but he was still very pale. We got out of the car and a chilling scream got everybody's attention.

"OH MY GOD!! BECA'S HERE!!" Chloe yelled and everyone immediately turned to look at me. We were surrounded with old Bellas and I hugged them quickly. Though I can't explain it, there is one person I am truly excited to see. The girls parted to talk to either Derek or AJ and I saw him. I saw the one person I was so excited to see and my knees nearly buckled underneath me, my stomach lurched, and my heart began to race. He began walking towards us and I broke into a sprint. I ran until I hit the hard of his body and his strong arms were wrapped around me.

"Beca." he simply stated as his arms held me plush against his chest. "Jesse." I replied and we just stood there holding each other, my toes barely touching the ground. We didn't have to say anything, we already knew what the other was thinking. 

I missed you. 

"Daddy!" AJ's voice broke us apart and Jesse knelt down and caught our son as he jumped into his arms. "Andrew! I've missed you so much!" Jesse exclaimed as he hugged him. He then began to twirl him around and I tried to warn him. "Jesse do-" I was too late. AJ's stomach fluid came flowing out all over Jesse's face and chest. "-n't twirl him." I unnecassarily finished. "I''m sorry daddy, I don't feel good."

"It's okay." he responded after spitting the fluid out of his mouth. "Here, go to mommy so I can get this off my face." I grabbed our son and what Jesse did next, I nearly dropped AJ and myself onto the ground.

Jesse had grabbed handfuls of shirt and and pulled it off and began wiping the fluids off of his face and chest with it. He was still very fit and I couldn't help but stare at him. His muscles worked together and I could see them work under his skin and it just made him that much more attractive. I caught a glance of Chloe giving me this cheesy look and I tore my eyes away from the work of art in front of me. I cleared my throat and began to speak. "Uh, AJ, why don't you go get some rest so you can get to feeling better." he nodded and I set him down. Luke led him to the house as he talked to him. "I have to get in the shower now. It's great seeing you, Becs. Can we catch up when I get out?"

"Yeah, great." I replied. "Awesome. I'd hug you, but I'm kind of full of AJ's stomach acid." I smiled and just wrapped my arms around him. "Doesn't bother me any." I whispered into his ear. His arms slid around my back and we held each other for a moment. "Okay, you stink. Go shower." I said as I pulled away. He chuckled and headed into the house. "Derek, let's get a drink in you and catch up." Donald said as he threw his arm over Derek's shoulder and walked him inside. The girls followed, arguing about something on the way.

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