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And though she is little, she is fierce.

Alexandra's P.O.V

"Ma'am, would you like anything?"

"No thanks," I grin at her, my eyes snapping open to the sight of a woman in her mid-twenties. Her hair, a lustrous brunette, is elegantly tied in a low classic bun, while a beige hat adorns a small portion of it. The subtle application of light makeup and her uniform instantly identify her as one of the attendants, making her easily recognizable to the passengers. As I gradually adjust my posture, I appreciate her presence but politely decline any further assistance.

Here I am, en route to Italy, despite swearing I would never return, especially after enduring everything he subjected me to. However, there are moments when we willingly set aside our protocols, driven by the influence of small favours, at least that's typically my response to those whom I hold dear—the ones ingrained in my heart.

With a sigh, I shut my eyes and attempt to find some semblance of comfort in the confines of the uncomfortable aeroplane seat. Perhaps I should have accepted the offer for a first-class upgrade when it was presented to me. Oh well, it seems I'm in for quite a lengthy journey ahead.


After enduring the lengthy flight, I find myself here, in Rome, Italy. Well, not quite there yet, as I haven't set foot outside the airport. I simply retrieved my luggage and now find myself descending on the escalator, heading towards the purpose behind my abrupt journey across these lands.

While many may extol Rome for its delectable cuisine, captivating fashion, and rich historical heritage, there is another side to the city that lies hidden behind the curtains. If you dare to widen your gaze and peer beyond the surface, you'll discover the obscured, darkened corners that shroud this place. The air carries a lingering scent of sin wherever you step. Once your eyes have been opened to it, there is no turning back.

As I reach the end of the escalator, my eyes instantly lockono him. He stands there, donning a sharp blue suit, his blond hair slicked back, and a stoic expression etched upon his features. In his hand, he holds a sign adorned with a bold declaration, "Welcome back to Italy, Consigliere!" It's an attention-grabbing display, accentuated by a mixture of black and vibrant markers. Anyone passing by can't help but steal glances at the striking figure holding the sign.

"Sergio!" I call out, my voice filled with warmth, before leisurely making my way towards him. Removing my shades, I offer a smile and point at the poster. "Is this necessary?" I chuckle, the corners of his mouth curling slightly, cracking the tough exterior he often maintains. "Welcome back, Alexandra. This was all his idea," he admits, referring to the mastermind behind the elaborate welcome gesture.

"Well, I must admit, I'm impressed. Now, where can I find him?" I inquire, a hint of anticipation lacing my voice.

"He's patiently waiting for you just outside," he replies, a warm smile gracing his face as he steps aside, signalling me to proceed. With a burst of laughter escaping my lips, I grab hold of my luggage and stride forward, making my way toward the exit gates.

Patience is indeed a virtuous habit for those aspiring to triumph, but it isn't always enjoyable, especially when it concerns someone like him.

There he stood, clad in his iconic Georgio Armani raven suit, leaning against his sleek black Laferrari. His piercing grey eyes locked with mine, as he straightened his posture, effortlessly running a hand through his impeccably styled black hair. A smile gradually formed on his lips, a smile that my heart had vowed to eternally embrace.

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