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Heading into the private Moretti jet, I can’t help but look around, before walking further in. Sitting on one of the chairs I lay my head back.

What I did today was what made me realize that love and pain together are a dangerous combination. And I love danger. My eyes slowly close and I begin dazing off, God I am so tired.

“Alexandra—Alexandra,” I feel someone shake my body, opening my eyes my vision is blurry due to the light, I see Marcus standing beside me trying to wake me up, “What up?” I whisper with a sleepy voice, “You have been sleeping the whole trip, we don't have much left to get up and fresh up we have clothes, make-up and shit ready for you, Cause we are about to attend your funeral.” I sit up and chuckle, “God I almost forgot that most of Italy think I am dead again.” I stand up and walk further into the jet, stepping into a room and shutting the door behind me. My eyes dart towards the clothes placed on the bed, a white suit and red bottom shoes.

Jumping into the shower I strip out of my dirty clothes and run the water before stepping under it, my tense body relaxes at the familiar feeling of the water. These past 4 days have been nothing but a roller coaster of feelings and trials.

Placing my hand into my tangled hair I reach out for the shampoo and begin washing my hair. Massaging my scalp I rinse the shampoo out of my hair. I place some body wash on my lofty slowly running it against my soft breast and neck, the injury Xavier gave me on the first day has healed not entirely but it's better than how it used to be. I run my hand against my stomach and shiver at the touch, cleaning my inner thighs I sigh at the relief.

God, I can't wait to get home.


Drying out I wear the robe and walk out of the shower, I stand in front of the vanity table drying my hair when someone knocks at the door, “Come in.”

The door opens revealing Luca with a tray in his hand getting deja vu from earlier today I smile ear to ear.

“I brought you food, eat well and prepare well 'cause you are about to meet your people but more importantly your man. ” He reminds placing the tray on the table near my bed. “Thank you, Luca.” I smile, I don't miss him fighting back his smile which wins, “Okay then change, eat and come out we are waiting for u.” He leaves hurriedly closing the door behind him. I dry and style my hair before I stand up and walk towards the food, grabbing one of the sandwiches I dig in, followed by the other, I finished everything and drink my water before cleaning my hand and mouth, and heading back to the bathroom and grabbing the brush placed on the bathroom table with the toothbrush and start brushing and cleaning my teeth and tongue.

Walking out of the bathroom I sit in front of my vanity and begin doing my makeup.

Putting on my suit and shoes I stand in front of the mirror only to see a powerful, independent woman as my reflection, my hair straight reaching my waist placed behind my ears, my suit white and clean creating a perfect armour for me, my red lipstick and grey eyes worked magically together. My red bottoms worked flawlessly finishing my look.

I am more than ready to go to my funeral. I am ready to claim my throne. Opening the door I step out of their room walking back to the main area. As soon as I enter I see Marcus, Luca, Fabio, Dane, Elio, Elijah, Max, Donovan and the pilot whose name I recall being Santiago standing wearing full-on black suits, they all stood in a line as if they had planned this, there eyes on me as they stood straight, “What's going on?” I ask Marcus with a small chuckle, before I could make a move they all bow, before standing straight again, “We Moretti family wish to work for you from now on, we want you to become our leader we've been working as individuals for long and now we know that we need someone to lead us, someone who is fierce, devoted, keen-minded, and someone powerful enough to take lead. We want to serve you,  die for you and be by your side from now on, please accept our offer.” Marcus informs.

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