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The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who's going to stop me.

I remember the love stories my parents would retell when I was a child somewhere between the lines, "They say love is blind you could fall in love with the least expected person, it's scary how those people shift from being trivial to the reason you withstand and breathe. Feelings should be feared as they can take over humans' minds and bodies, but they are also the reason the world is more colourful."

It was only when I encountered the right person that the notion of losing became an apprehension weighing upon me. Suddenly, the smallest gestures possessed the power to dismantle the fortress of resilience I had constructed, reducing it to mere grains of sand. In those moments, the once-terrifying notion of vulnerability took hold, its grip unyielding. Yet, amidst the tremors of uncertainty, I found solace in the portrait of love painted by my parents—an exquisite masterpiece crafted with the brushes of affection and desire, colored with the vibrant hues of life's experiences.

Love, akin to the sweetness of honey, possesses the capacity to sting like a bee. I can vividly recall the unwavering certainty with which my mother uttered those words, her conviction reverberating in my ears as I listened, transfixed by her every syllable. Now, as I traverse the path of adulthood, I find myself setting love aside—or so I convince myself night after night, seeking refuge in the belief that I am shielded from its entanglements.

As the sun filtered through the curtains, its warm rays gently illuminated the room. Yet, the presence of two wide, troubled brown eyes before me cast a shadow over the atmosphere, injecting a sense of discord. It seemed that my aspirations and dreams were met with disdain, as if they were invalid fantasies detached from the realm of reality. "You do understand that life doesn't operate in such a simplistic manner, right? Intentions alone won't magically transform into tangible achievements," he scoffed, his words lacking the heroic tone that inspires greatness. Instead, his default approach seemed to be tearing others down, belittling their ambitions and convictions. A tactic employed by those devoid of genuine accomplishment—mere wannabes seeking to bolster their own egos by crushing the dreams and aspirations of others.

Unyielding, I met his negativity with unwavering resolve. "I have meticulously planned every step of this journey, and when I set my mind to something, I will stop at nothing to turn it into reality—even if it takes years, decades, or centuries," I declared with conviction, determined to hold steadfast in my pursuit. His words, like echoes in the wind, fell upon deaf ears, for I vowed not to lend them credence. My gaze locked onto his lackluster hazel eyes, brimming with dissatisfaction, and I found myself undeterred by the discord he attempted to sow.

"You can't simply venture into a foreign land and expect to establish yourself, especially without any prior experience in the industry. How do you envision turning mere ashes into a gilded palace? And let's be realistic, what are the chances of someone like Natalie even considering you?" His words, laden with skepticism, pierced through the air, attempting to extinguish the flickering flame of my ambition.

"Darling, allow me to penetrate that hardened shell of yours. What you're planning is beyond the bounds of imagination. It's absurd," a feminine voice interjected, her tone laced with condescension. "Yes, you possess a degree, and true, you've been working at this firm for a while. But, my dear, that's simply not enough. Not when it comes to catching the attention of someone like Natalie Gonzalez." My gaze shifted, locking onto the source of the feminine voice, bitterness tainting my expression. I couldn't help but wonder, whatever happened to women supporting women? It appeared that notion had been flung carelessly out of the window of her logic.

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