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The pain was the only thing I felt aside from the blood running through my veins, even with my eyes open the darkness was still there. thinking I have gone blind I panic until I feel a soft fabric covering my eyes, I try to move up but then another realisation hits me, I was tied to a chair, today must be my fortunate day.

Well, I am kidnapped by no other than a Russian mobster I should knock that off my To-Do list, What could go wrong, absolutely nothing aside from being killed or maybe having my organs sold to the black market. I am one lucky woman.

Maxing up all the strength left in me I open my mouth, "Hello, Ivanov come out, come out wherever you are and untie me from this chair before I blow up!" My tone raises by the end of my sentence.

I stay quiet waiting for a response but nothing comes from behind the blindfold, "Xavier Ivanov, You must be so tired of your life to try and abduct me, I don't understand why would you stoop so low and abduct an engaged woman, are you that desperate to get a women attention or does your little daughter need a mother, I don't know what was going through your two last brain cells when you decided to kidnap me, cause you made a terrible choice." None of my words made any sense and I was so sure of it but I had no control over my words or thinking.

 "Xavier I am not trying to drown your ship, but you and I are the worst combinations, I don't even like Russians, don't take it personally you don't look bad you have a pair of beautiful green eyes that reminds me of spring mornings in Richmond-on-Thames, and green leaves  so alive and soft and that's where it differs from you, you are very dark and secretive  and the green colour of your eyes is no longer alive and life-giving, it's deadly and soul-sucking, I wonder what goes through the head of your victims when your eyes are the last thing they see, do their souls get stuck in the emerald eyes of yours, maybe that's why your eyes have become so deadly and hair raising." My voice lowers but my thoughts don't come to an end I let out a chain of laughter before slowly quieting down, "Alessandro's grey eyes were the same when I first met him they were so dim and destructive, His eyes were beautiful but lifeless, to this day whenever I stare at his eyes I am reminded of no other than the moon and the world beyond our visions. But things changed cause they are no longer lifeless and empty,  whenever I stare into his eyes I see the brightest grey eyes that hold in the illuminating stars and moons within its curves, at the beginning, I was questioning what was the reason for the light in his eyes, and it was the biggest question mark in my life but then that night on the beach under the moon I realised the reason was I, I was happy to be the reason for such big change but was terrified, Being the reason of someone's light meant if you are gone they may lose their light and disappear." I was no longer smiling awareness hits me like a train, and a single tear ran down my eyes soon stopped by the fabric covering my eyes.

I flinch from the loud thud that came from behind me sounding like a door opening, "Ivanov did you finally decide to come out from your hiding spot!" I tease, a yank at the fabric removes  the blindfold "Oh god why is it so bright in here." It wasn't, I was in a place very dim with only a small amount of lights working, "That was a very poetic way to describe my eyes." The voice comes from behind me  " What can I say I have a way with words."

"Will you mind untying me this is quite uncomfortable, sorry to break it to you but I don't have a being tied up kink!" I stare to my side, "Well too bad that won't happen." I feel his breath against my neck as he whispers into my ear.

"Xavier." His name leaves my mouth sounding perfect, "Yes love." I roll my eyes giving him my weirdest expression, "Why am I here?" I ask my voice sounding lower than what I had in mind, "Because I want you here."His sharp words cut my low voice, "This isn't about me is it?" My eyes find my lap, the dark colour of my jeans dirty from dust, "This is revenge, your eyes say it all, what I don't understand is why?" I stare gawking into his eyes, He doesn't hold the stare much before he faces away, "Xavier, I don't get any of this, why are you doing all this when you know this could begin another war and it will be severe why, why are you adding fuel to the fire when you know it burns whatever is close to it, aren't you afraid that you might burn when you stand against it?" As soon as I finish my words, Xavier darts towards me pushing his sharp carver against my neck, our breaths colliding, "You know nothing, you haven't lost what is the most precious to you,  you didn't have your heart being ripped out of your chest when it had just begun beating again, You didn't get on your knees and begged God to bring back what has been lost, You haven't been ripped off the world because you couldn't bare seeing the world without her. I hated the sound of the rain because it was her favourite, I hated the smell of fresh-baked sweets because it was her favourite thing to do, You don't know how it felt to go into my closet and see her clothes slowly losing their scent, I was forced to stay strong because of my daughter, You don't know what I went through, I saw my soul being sucked out of my body, and you still say I shouldn't add fuel to the fire cause it might burn me, what's left to be burned, nothing, I am only standing cause I made a promise that will protect her when she is gone. " 

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