I'm not supposed to feel like this, but I can't help it (part 2)

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A/n idek haha

Scott's POV

I was walking down the street with my stuff, trying to think of were the fuck I'm going to live.

I decided that I guess I'll have to live in a tent in the woods... Wow my life really took a big turn. Don't know if it's good or bad to be honest.

It took me some time to set the tent up but now I'm finally done. I'm pretty close to a lake so if I need to shower, that's my only option.

I don't know how long I will last like this cause my money don't last forever. I guess I'll have to work somewhere after school... This is going to be really hard. Mitch will probably don't want to hang with me anymore if he finds out about this.

That would kill me.

It was the next morning now and I've got to say that I slept very nice, if you don't count the countless of mosquito bites on my body.

I got up and it was about 6:am. I decided to take a shower, or bath in this case, in the lake. I don't really think it's a good idea to skinny dip so I guess I'll have to do it in my underwear and then hang them up to dry.

I can't believe this is happening... I'm going to turn out like some kind of caveman or something.

I think I look pretty decent now and it's just 15 minute until school was starting. It's pretty close I guess so I might start walking there now..

I was walking down the road and bumped into Mitch.

"OMG I'm so sorry" I said and blushed when he started giggling.

" nice to see you Scottie" Mitch said and helped me up from the ground where I fell.

" nice to see you to Mitchie" I said and laughed awkwardly.

" wait. Don't you live in that direction" Mitch said and pointed to the opposite direction where I came from.

" uhm I did" I said and scratched the back of my neck.

" oh no what happened!!" He said and put his hand on my arm. I felt sparks flying through my whole arm and my stomach started to tingle again.

" uhm... Ehh. Well my parents kicked me out so I....I now live in a tent by the lake. In a fricking forest" I said and I felt my eyes starting to tear up. I now felt really fucking embarrassed.

" oh no... Oh my god I'm so sorry Scott! I wish I could offer you to live with me, but I can't" he said and started crying when he said the last part. Something was obviously wrong but I don't want to force it out of him.

He then hugged me tight and it felt like fireworks were shooting trough my whole body.

" you know what? Let's skip school and I can be with you at the lake. We can just talk all day and forget all of our problems" he said and held on even tighter.

Now I know that something's wrong... I still don't want to feel pressure about it though.

" yeah.. That sounds great. But are you sure?" I said and pulled out if the hug to look him in the eyes.

" yeah... I'm actually kind of jealous if you living by yourself" he said and looked down at his feet.

He then looked like he regret what he said and quickly said.

" I.. I can't talk about it" he said and looked down again.

" it's okay. I won't pressure you into anything." I said and smiled at him.

" you're to nice. Come and show me the way to your little place" he said and took his hands in mine and smiled at me.

That smile literally made me melt.

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