The sweetest boy in town

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A/n this is looooooong! It took a lot if time to write and I'm pretty proud of it. Hope you'll like it!

Mitch's POV

I'm a 20 year old guy and I live with my grandma. My parents have always hated me since I came out to them, but my grandma and everyone else in our town excepts me.

I live in a pretty small town and I know everyone, except those who live in the bad part of town. I'm known for always being positive and sweet, which I always try to be. But sometimes it's pretty hard, like when my parents have beaten me or if my grandma isn't feeling well.

But I find a way to always see everything in a positive way and that's why everyone love me.

" Mitch honey. I don't feel very well. Would you be an angel and go buy medicine for me?" my grandma said to me. She was getting worse and it made me worried, but the positive is that I get to go out to buy medicine and meet everyone. They're always so kind and happy.

" of course gran, I'll go right now" I said and kissed her forehead.

I walked out of her house and walked towards mine to get my coat. I still live with my parents but I spend most of my time with gran.

I opened my door and grabbed my jacket, but before I excited the door I heard my fathers voice.

" What are you doing faggot?!!"

I didn't care about being positive with my dad anymore, I tried but it didn't make him to like me more.

" I'm getting my jacket so I can go buy medicine for gran and taking care of her. Cause you sure as hell doesn't seem like doing it" I said harshly.

" GET THE FUCK OUT!!" He yelled.

" thanx, though you'd never say it. You scared me there daddie." I said and rolled my eyes.

I then walked out of the house and I heard him yell but I just ignored it.

I walked towards the drug store and smiled at everyone.

" hi Mitch!"

" hi Mitch, how's your grandma doing?"

" nice too se you Mitch!" Was some of the things people said when I walked by. They all liked me, if only they knew that my life wasn't that positive.

"Hi Mitch! I'm guessing your gran is needing her medicine" the pharmacist said when I entered the drugstore.

"Yeah thank you" I said and smiled politely.

" you know the world be such a better place if every one was like you" he said and smiled at me.

He went to check for the medicine he had a sad smile plastered on his face.

" I'm sorry boy, her medicine is out. But if you dare to go, it's a drug store at the bad part of town. And I'm sure it have her medicine, I mean everyone is sick in that part of town" he said and smiled sadly at me.

I've always feared to go to that part of town. Apparently everyone knows me in that part of town to, and that's not a good thing. But I've got to do this for gran.

" okay thank you" I said and smiled before I walked out of the store.

My heart was beating out of my chest while I walked towards the bad part of town.

Everyone had gave me concerned looks and said things like.

" dear, why are you walking towards the bad part of town" and I would always answer.

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