Mr: Hoying (part 2)

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Mitch's POV

I smiled at Scott, I can't believe that he actually let me move in with him!

" here's my address, pack when you get home and I'll guess you can move in tomorrow if you're done packing." Scott said and smiled with his pearl white teeth.

" thank you so much Mr: Hoying!" I said and I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

" call me Scott, except from when were in class" Scott said and smiled.

I smiled back and stood up from my chair.

" bye Mr: Ho... Scott" I said and started blushing.

I walked out of the classroom and saw Rafael standing and staring angrily at me.

I looked away and started walking quickly towards my next class.

I was halfway there when I felt my body getting pushed into the lockers.

" why are you running bitch?!" Rafael screamed at me and pushed my shoulders even harder into the lockers.

" get the fuck off me!" I said and tried to push his chest away.

My class had already started so the hallway was empty and no one saw what was happening.

" you don't hurt me and get away with it! It's sad, your face is so pretty. To bad it won't be after I've given you what you deserve!!" He screamed and pushed me hard in the face.

I fell down to the floor and got kicked all over the body.

The pain was cursing through my whole body and I started feeling numb. After a hard kick in the stomach, from which I heard a crack, I started seeing dots.

And soon enough my vision went black.

I woke up feeling pain in my whole body.

I tried to sit up but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

" don't move, the pain will get worse. Do you want an ibuprofen?"

I opened my eyes and saw Scott's blue eyes staring back into mine.

" yes, thank you" I said and my voice was a low whisper.

He walked away to get it and I started looking around.

I was lying on a couch in what I guess was his living room. The room had light brown and white walls and it was very nicely decorated.

" here you go Mitch" Scott said and handed me a glass of water and an ibuprofen.

I swallowed it down quickly and then thanked Scott.

" Mitch? Can you tell me what happened?" Scott asked worriedly.

" I don't want to give out any names and blame that person" I said.

" little angel that person hurt you really bad and needs to get confronted and probably expelled" Scott said softy and put a hand on my arm since I was still laying down.

" okay... It was Rafael" I whispered.

" why did he hurt you?" Scott asked with wide eyes.

" cause I hurt him" I said and I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

" why did you hurt him?" Scott asked softly.

" cause he kissed me and I didn't want to... But he didn't listen so I hurt him. I deserved that, I'm a horrible person" I said and started sobbing.

Scott hugged me and even though it hurt I hugged him back.

I haven't had a hug since my mom died.

" it's not your fault Mitch. You did nothing wrong" Scott said and hugged me tightly as I cried into his shoulder.

" you won't be able to walk how so I can drive you home and help you pack so you can move in" Scott said and pulled out of the hug.

I wiped my tears and nodded.

" thank you so much" I said.

He helped me up as even though it hurt like fuck I continued to walk.

Scott seemed to see that I was in pain and put his arms under my knees and back and lifted me up bridal style.

" tell me if your uncomfortable or in pain" he said.

" I feel like a queen" I said and giggled for the first time in forever.

" that's cause you are one" he said and smiled at me.

We opened my door carefully and I could hear my father laughing with other men.

I walked up the stairs silently but Scott decided to carry me again.

We quickly went into my room and closed the door.

" is this your room?" Scott asked with sad eyes.

I looked around my room, sure it wasn't much but it was all I had.

I had a mattress and an old alarm clock I had my phone and some clothes.

" yeah..." I said and started packing my clothes into my school bag since that was the only bag I had.

" wow Mitch... I didn't know you had it this bad" Scott said and looked at me with sad eyes.

" you don't know how grateful I am for this. I've never even talked this much for years" I said and smiled at him.

" are you ready to go-" Scott said but a loud voice interrupted him.

It was the sound of my dad and his friends.

" Scott quick!! Go hide in the closet!!" I said and pushed him in to my closet.

I heard my door open and the sound of laughter got louder.

" hi Mitch I want you to meet my new friends!" He said and laughed.

My dad has always been a big man but these guys were even bigger... And stronger.

I waved lightly at them, scared about what was going to happen.

" wow, looks like an easy fuck to me. So small and fragile" one of the men said and all of them laughed.

I backed away as soon as the man started walking forward.

He took both my hands and slammed them against the wall.

The panic was slowly rising in my chest as I felt extremely helpless.

" are you going somewhere?" My dad asked and looked at my bag.

I ignored him and received a punch in the face.

" feel free to do whatever you want with him Stan" my dad said and walked away with his other friends.

Stan still had my arms pressed against the wall and he was starting to lick his lips.

I could feel tears down my cheek and my heart beating extremely fast.

Stan leaned in and licked away one of my tears.

I tried to kick him but he stood on my feet so I felt helpless.

He moved one of his hands and started undoing my zipper.

I started screaming and moving violently, trying to get him to move.

I could hear laughing downstairs and then I heard a huge slam.

I looked over to see Scott out of the closet and mad as fuck!

He pushed the man away and then punched him in the face.

" we need to go now! Grab your bag"

I grabbed my bag and quickly ran out if the house, with Scott holding my hand.

" it's okay Mitch. You'll be safe now" Scott said and wiped my tears away.

" thanks for saving me Mr: Hoying" I said and smiled at him.

" please, just call me Scott"

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