Somethings in our house (part 4)

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To ImNadja_ilove_mitch

Mitch's POV

I quickly opened the door, and there stood a tall, skinny lady.

" Hi, you must be Amanda" I said politely even though I was really stressed and nervous.

" I don't have time for small talk. I can't really help you with taking out the ghosts... We need a professional to do that. I want you to set up these cameras in all of your rooms, and if something bad happens just call me and send me the video" she said and handed us some cameras.

" wait!" I said but she had already left.

" what!? Why couldn't she at least talk to us?" I said and Scott nodded.

" Scott can you help me with these?" I said and pointed at the camera.

" yeah, sure Mitch" he said and took some cameras.

I placed them on tables at each rooms so they had full view.

I felts so scared, it was just like paranormal activity.

It took about 10 minutes until all the cameras was turned on and placed in each room.

" thanx Scott!" I said and hugged him.

" do you want me to sleep next to you?" He said and kissed me on my forehead.

" wait, what's the clock?" I asked in shock.

" it's almost midnight" he said

I didn't realize it was so late.

" okay can we go to bed?" I asked.

He nodded and we walked to the bedroom.

I cuddled up on his chest, and I felt safe.

" it's so weird sleeping knowing that you're filmed" I said.

" yeah, well if were going to watch this later maybe we should do something funny" Scott said with a smirk.

Was he thinking what I think he's thinking?

No, Scott and I are best friends.

But I have been in love with him since we were in high school.

Mitch, stop it! He will never love me!

" uhm.... I know this is weird, please don't let this ruin everything. I know this is a bad time to say this but I just can't hold it in any more" he said and then took a deep breath.

" Mitch, I love you..." He said and looked away.

I was in shock.

Does Scott, the most gorgeous and amazing man in the world love me?!

" u.uh like love love?" I asked.

" yeah, I have been since high school. But I knew you didn't love me back so I just shoved back my feelings. But I have been so close to you these couple of years and I just can't hold it back anymore" he said and then I saw tears running down his cheeks.

My heart broke.

" Scott don't cry!" I said and put 2 fingers under his chin, and then looked him in the eye.

" I love you to. I have since high school." I said and he looked me in the eyes.

His eyes were the most beautiful things on earth, besides his face.

I felt myself lean in and a couple of seconds later our lips were touching.

I put all my emotions in the kiss and I felt like he did the same.

We pulled out after awhile to catch our breath.

I just smiled at him and he smiled back.

" I love you" I said and cuddled up to him.

" I love you to, so much" Scott said and then I fell asleep.


I woke up immediately when my entire body hurt.

I then realized I was dragged out of bed, I started screaming and tried to grab something.

But then my body hit the stairs, and I screamed even more but in pain.

I felt my head hit the bottom of the step and everything went black.

Scott's POV

I had a nightmare.

I was alone in a room, then I suddenly heard Mitch screaming.

It sounded so real.

Then after more screaming I heard a thump and then everything became quiet.

I shot up out of bed, panting.

I then looked next to me and Mitch was gone.

I started panicking and ran down the stares.

I froze when I saw blood at the bottom stare.

I started crying when I saw a trail of blood leading to outside.

I followed it and started sobbing when I saw Mitch lying there unconsciousness.

He was bleeding from his head.

I picked him up and locked at his head, luckily it wasn't deep.

It was just a lot of scrapes, and a huge on on his head.

I lifted him up and carried him to the couch.

I started shaking his shoulders, and my heart almost stopped when I saw his arm.

It had something that looked like a bite mark.

I froze.

But then Mitch started panting and I saw that he was sitting up.

" oh my god, Mitch!! Are you okay?!" I yelled witch made him wince.

" yeah I'm okay, it just hurts everywhere" he said and then he saw his arm.

His eyes grew wide and he screamed.

I just pulled him in for a hug.

I helped him clean up his scrapes and that scary bite mark. I then wrapped them in bandage.

I hugged him tight and kissed him on the head.

I then realized.

" Mitch, did we have cameras outside?" I asked.

I felt him stiff.

" yeah we do, and all of it is on the computer. When something moves the cameras follow the movement.

So that means that it all got on tape" he said and looked me in the eyes.

" okay, let's watch it. And then we have to call Amanda. I want those ghosts gone" I said and kissed him slowly but passionate.

A/n. This chapter maybe wasn't the scariest and I hope I don't confuse y'all with the cameras.

Love y'all, byeeeeeeeeeee!! <3 :)

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