Betrayal (part 2)

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A/n ok so y'all weren't happy about the ending on the first part so I kinda have to do a second one. Y'all might not be happy with the ending but Mitch will get his queen moment. Well here you go!💞

Mitch's POV

* 4 years later*

After that Scott left me he blocked me out and totally ignored me. Being the emotional person I am I called and texted about a 100 times saying "I'm sorry" or " can we at least be friends?" But nothing.

I had the hardest time getting over him and I was planning on crashing his wedding. But I ended up watching the note book, sobbing and drinking a lot instead.

I went to this meeting were you could get help and I met a lot of people with different kinds of problems.

When I told them about my story they all immediately felt sorry for me and they wanted me to kick Scott's ass. Which I really want to.. But I would rather want to do something else with it.

Well I made friends with everyone and one person really made me happy.

His name was Travis.

He was the sweetest guy and he had to deal with depression when everyone he loved started ignoring him when he told them that he was gay.

We used to always grab coffee before our meeting, just like Scott and I would do every morning...

But at least Travis has respect for me and he loves me for who I am, not only about how I look.

But I have to say that I'm really attractive now. My eyebrows were always shaped perfectly, my hair is always on fleek, my face and body is always soft and shaved, and I only wear the sexiest clothings.

I didn't use to care about stuff like this but since Scott did what he did because someone was hotter than me made me realize that I always have to look my best.

Travis doesn't care if he sees someone hotter than me, he knows I get jealous and nervous.

We were at a restaurant once and the waiter was really hot, like really really hot. And he tried to flirt with Travis, but he ignored him and focused on me instead. He gave me lots of compliments and said that I was the only one for him. The complete opposite of what Scott did.

Travis and I are engaged

I was shopping for new clothes when I suddenly bumped into someone which made me fall to the ground.

" oh shit I'm sorry!" A familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw Scott holding out his hand to me.

My eyes widened but he didn't seem to recognize me, that bastard!

I took his hand and he pulled me up.

" thanks Scott" I said and then quickly walked away.

" wait?! Mitch?!" He yelled and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

" wow I'm glad you remember me, got to go bye!" I said and tried walk away from him, but his grasp was firm.

He looked me up and down and I started to get really uncomfortable. I mean my body is way hotter now, I'm skinnier but also a bit more fitter.

" wow you look amazing Mitch!" He said and stared at me with wide eyes.

" and you don't!" I said and glared at him. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me weirdly.

" what happened?" He asked.

" you happened" I said and then yanked my arm away and started walking away from him.

I told Travis about everything and he let me cry on his shoulder and he comforted me.

Something I wish Scott could do.

Travis was working when I heard a knock on the door.

I groaned and walked over to open the door, only to see Scott standing there.

" what the fuck do you want Scott?!" I asked and lifted one eyebrow at him.

" I want you Mitch. I want you back! Please" he said and tried to hug me but I just pushed him away.

" are you drunk?" I asked starting to get irritated.

He then slammed his lips against mine in a forceful and gross kiss. I quickly pushed him away and slapped him.

" you have a husband for fucks sake!" I screamed at him.

" so what, your hotter now" he said and smirked at me.


He looked at me and opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

" I HAVE A FIANCÉ SCOTT! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE AND YOU BLEW IT. I STILL HAD FEELINGS FOR YOU BUT YOU JUST LOST ALL MY RESPECT! You're a terrible human being and I want you out if my life" I screamed and growled the last part.

I'm done with his shit!

He looked genuinely ashamed and walked away looking at his feet.

I would see Scott once and awhile with Alex, and I've got to say that he doesn't look happy.

I still have feelings for him and when Scott looks at me I feel like I might melt. He looks at me like I'm worth gold and that he regrets everything.

If it wasn't for Travis I might have taken Scott back. But that would only hurt Alex and probably myself to.

I'm happy with Travis and he treats me like I should be treated, like a queen.

Scott made 1 mistake and he has to regret it for the ret of his life, and I'm going to constantly remind him of it and shove it in his face.

Cause he's worth it.

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