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Mitch's POV

I'm been bullied every single day since freshman year. Sometimes it was verbally but most of the times I would get beaten up.

I was always bullied for being gay, and having a high pitched voice. I only had 1 friend in the whole school, her name was Kirstie.

She would always help me when I was hurt, witch where a lot.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, I got up to get a shower.

When I was done I put on some clothes, nobody cared anyways.

I always though that I looked pretty good but just because I'm gay everything's bad.

I didn't eat, I wasn't hungry... I never was.

My parents where never home so I just got out and walked to school.

I walked to my locker and got my stuff out, then I heard.

" hey faggot. Wow you look bad today, oh wait you always do" I heard them laughing.

I closed my locker and tried to walk away.

It didn't work though...

I got pushed against the locker and got a kick to my stomach. I felt the air leave my body and I fell to the floor.

They started kicking me in the face and all over my body, I cried.

I hated it! Why me!? Why can't they stop?!

Then they spat on me and walked away.

I ran into the restroom and washed my face, trying to get rid of the blood.

When I was done I walked to class.

I got in and sat on my bench, everyone shared with someone but I had one alone, of course.

Everyone sat down and waited for our teacher.

But suddenly someone new stepped into the classroom.

When I saw his face, I froze. He had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, he had blond hair, nice style and he looked a bit muscular.

But he would never talk to me.

Our teacher came in and smiled at the blond.

" so class, we have a new student. His names Scott and take good care of him" she said and he looked really uncomfortable.

" eyy Scott come sit with us" the bullies said.

Fuck I'm screwed, he will just hang with them and also start bullying me.

" No! Scott you'll sit with Mitch over there" she said and pointed to me.

I froze, he was going to sit next to me!!

He smiled at me and pulled his chair out.

The class was boring, just like always. But Scott stared at me a lot of times.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad.

" sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Scott" he said and smiled at me.

God it was cute.

" I'm M.mitch"

Fuck! I stuttered!

But he just giggled.

" nice to meet you you Mitch" he said and smiled.

" well you don't really want to know me, I'm like the nerd that everybody hate" I said and laughed to myself, even though I was hurting.

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