A/n Please help!!

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I'm scared....
Someone commented my pic on my fan account on Instagram. And he was like "aww I hope you get well" I didn't know that it was a guy at first though.

And then I started like answering him and he was like " I can't believe your talking to me!" And I was like
" thanx! It's nice talking to you" I didn't really know what to answer.

And then he asked where I lived and I was like "Sweden u?" And he literally gave me his address.

And then he was like "are you on a tour?"

And I said "no, I'm not famous or anything"

He said " I don't care that pentatonix isn't famous"

I was like wtf and answered.

" yes they are, do you think I'm in pentatonix?"

He said " I don't know"

And I told him that I was just a fan and then he said.

" sorry if this sounds weird but how do you look like?"

I was like why do you care.

But I described myself and then he wanted a selfie.

I send him one and saw that he was a guy, he looked really young though.

And now when I don't answer in a long time he starts to say like

" hello?" Or "are you okay?"

Should I block him?

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