Betrayal (part 3)

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A/n it's getting good this time I promise!!😂💞🙈

Mitch's POV

I walked home from having a chat with Scott. Luckily this one didn't end in fights, we just had a coffee and talked.

He wants us to be friends again and I want to try, I'm just scared. At least I have Travis now.

" hey babe! I have to go to work" Travis said and kissed me quickly. I smiled at him and then saw him leave the apartment.

Our wedding is in 3 months and I'm so fricking scared. I want Scott to come but I don't think he wants to... I mean I didn't come to his wedding.

I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out of my pocket to see a text from Travis.

" I love you" it said and I smiled. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I didn't recognize the number.

" is this Mitch Grassi?" An unfamiliar voice said.

" y.yeah" I said starting I get scared.

" I'm sorry to say this but Travis was in a car accident and he only stayed alive a couple of minutes after the crash. I'm so sorry but he didn't make it" the voice said.

I dropped the phone to the ground and so did I. This can't be happening!!

I started screaming and the pain was just like when Scott left me, unbearable.

I started sobbing while I screamed and I heard the door slam open.

" Mitch?!" I heard Scott's voice and then I felt a couple of arms around me.

I turned around and continued to sob in his chest. Why did this need to happen to me? I was finally happy!!

Scott hugged me tight while I sobbed, even though he had no idea why I was doing it.

" h.he's d.d.." I couldn't say it and I started sobbing loudly again.

I felt Scott's tears falling into my hair while he continued to hold me.

" w.why are you crying?" I asked when I had calmed down a bit.

" I realized how much of a fucking dick head I was to you" he said and wiped away the tears that were still falling down my face.

" why now?" I asked and looked into his eyes.

" Alex cheated on me" he said and sighed loudly.

" I'm s.sorry" I said.

" don't be. I'm so sorry for the way I treated you Mitch. You deserve the world and happiness and I only gave you pain. You are the most gorgeous and amazing person of all time and you deserve the best" he said and patted my hair while he cried.

" T.travis gave me that" I said and started to sob again.

" I know and I'm so sorry. I'll stay with you cause you look like you need it, and I'll make it up to you as good as possible. I don't want you to be in pain Mitch." He said and his voice cracked.

I looked up at him with teary eyes. I then slammed my lips against his. He was shocked at first but he then relaxed into the kiss.

I know this is wrong but I've wanted those lips for so long.

" Mitch I don't want to go to far. You're very emotional right now. Let's just watch sponge bob and cuddle, like the old times" Scott said and pulled me into his arms before he turned on sponge bob.

And I felt good when I felt asleep. I will sorrow Travis for long, but at least Scott is here to help me this time.

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