The cute angel boy barista

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Scott's POV

I've been staying home all the time since my last breakup.

I'm not sad... Just really grumpy.

I can't stay home though, I need to get out.

I woke up this morning in a desperate need for coffee.

It was like my fuel if I were a car.

So I really need it.

My last boyfriend used to work at Starbucks.

Witch is where I'm going.

I hope that he isn't working there anymore.

I put on some black jeans and a black and white sweater.

I then grabbed my keys and my phone and left.
It's a pretty short walk there so it just took about 5 minutes.

I walked in and walked towards the barista.

He was picking up something on the ground so I couldn't see his face.

He then stood up straight so I could see his face.

It felt like time stopped.

He was the most gorgeous person I've ever seen.

My last boyfriend was pretty hot, but a jerk, but he looked like trash compared to this angel.

" can I take your order?" He asked.

And again I froze.

He even sounded like an angel.

He sounded so innocent and sweet.

I heard him giggle, witch was the cutest thing ever, and I pulled out of my gaze.

" uhm yeah sorry.... Can I get a caramel macchiato?" I asked and smiled at him.

He smiled back and as if he couldn't get any more perfect, he had dimples.

I realized I was staring again.

Damn it's so hard!!

" here you go" he said and gave me my cup.

" thanks!" I said.

He smiled and winked at me.

I walked out the door and just stood there realizing what I have just seen.

It was a number on the cup!

I got his number!!

I for some reason put it in my phone.

I called him "the cute angel boy barista"

I walked home smiling and thinking about him.

I couldn't call him now though...

That would seem desperate.

I've been waiting for about 4 hours now.

I think I can call him.

" hi it's Mitch, who's this?" I heard his happy, high voice trough the phone.

" uhm hi.. Ehm you kinda gave me your number on my cup this morning" I said.

Great job Scott... Great job..

" oh it's the cute blonde guy. Though you'd never call. You want to do something? I'm free from work" he said and I blushed.

How could he think I'm cute when he gets to see himself in the mirror everyday.

" yeah that would be great! Sooo what do you want to do?" I asked.

" uhm... Oh! I know this amazing restaurant! It's called MoNkEy. Yeah it's a weird name but the food there is amazing!!" He said.

" yeah that sounds great. But uhm is this a date?" I asked.

" yeah if you want to... I mean I want to" he said shyly

" yeah of course. Do you want me to pick you up in about an hour?" I asked smiling to myself.

" yeah thanx!"

* 2 years later *

We were sitting at the same restaurant, celebrating that we've been together for 2 years.

Those 2 years couldn't have been better.

We live together now and we never grew tired of each other.

We always wanted to be together.

I love him so much.

I can't think my life without him.

" OMG Scotty I can't believe it's been 2 years since we sat here the first time" Mitch said and kissed me.

I kissed him back and it was slow, but passionate.

" I love you so much Scott! I'm so glad that I was the one to get you coffee" he said and smiled widely.

" I love you to Mitchy! So much... I got completely love struck the first time I saw you and I still am." I said and took his hands in mine.

I kneeled down on one leg and he was in complete shock.

I pulled out the box out of my pocket and opened it.

" Since the first time I saw you I knew that I loved you. Your beautiful eyes, your amazing smile, your angelic voice. When I first saw you I thought that you were an angel. But know I know that you are one. You completely changed my life in the best way, when I felt down you were always there to cheer me up. I could never be sad when your happy.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Mitchell Coby Grassi, will you marry me?"

He was crying and then he shouted.

" YES!!" And hugged me.

He was sobbing in joy and people around us was clapping and cheering.

And from now on I know that I can always be happy, with Mitch by my side.

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