War against you (part 2)

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Scott's POV

Tomorrow was the day of the war, which I'm not excited to go to.

My father was like the leader of all the soldiers so I was kind of forced to join. I'm really scared cause I really don't want to kill people.

" Scott my son! Listen at this good plan I have!" My dad shouted. I sighed and walked over to him.

" the Americans have picked up all men over the age 14. A van with some of them is supposed to be at the hill earlier than the others. They are being dropped of by them selfs to train before the war, and that's were we come in" he said and smirked.

" what?! How do you know this?! And what are you planning to do?!" I shouted. His plans were often very brutal or evil and I was not looking forward to this.

" I have a spy that's been acting like one if them. He found out that it's a guy in the their camp, the youngest actually, and he's apparently very popular. He is supposed to be very small and fragile, an easy target. We are going to kidnap this guy and take him to our camp. This will distract a lot of people who are friends of his and they will be more way to kill" he said and smirked again.

This was horrible!

" what are you going to do with the boy?" I asked, starting to get concerned.

" we will force him to spill out their plans, that will make it even easier for us to win. Plus if they have a secret weapon or plan of some sort, we will find out" he said.

I felt like I wanted to throw up. This boy is not going to have a good time, and I will probably be forced to watch.

My dad saw the look on my face and furrowed his eyebrows.

" you are not scared or sad are you?!" He yelled.

" no I'm just tired" I lied.

" well go to sleep. I'll wake you up when they are here" my dad said and patted me on the shoulder.

I really don't want to see this, I feel so bad for that guy that dad wants to kidnap...

I wish my dad was just a normal dad, a dad that didn't want me to watch other peoples misery.

Mitch's POV

We were transferred to the hill for practice. Apparently we needed it so we were there a day earlier. My friends seemed to like it, but I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen.

" Mitch we're here!" Michael said happily. I just smiled and nodded at him.

I just found out that we are going to be by our selfs cause our leader had to be with the other soldiers. The feeling in my stomach got stronger and I got more and more nervous.

" What's wrong buddy?" John asked and hugged me from behind.

" something's going to happen. Why would we be all alone?" I asked.

" well, if we die today we only probably get one less day to live. I mean I don't think anyone will make it tomorrow. I'm sorry Mitch" he said and hugged me tighter.

He was right, I was going to die either way.

The sun was getting down and we all decided to put our weapons away and just have fun.

So we all just started chasing each other and John caught up to me and started to tickle me. I started laughing and screaming loudly and he laughed and continued.

Then everyone joined in tickling me and I was panicking. I've never laughed so much in my entire life.

" STAND UP!" A voice shouted. We all froze and John carefully stood up and then helped me up.

I looked over to see some British soldiers. One if them I think was the leader and he was the one who shouted. Next to him stood a young boy, maybe my age and he looked scared. But the similarities between him and the leader made me think that he was his son.

The leader and his soldiers were aiming our guns at us, and the leader walked forward.

Some guy then whispered to him and then pointed at me. I was frozen in the spot when the leader walked towards me. My breath was hitching when he pushed away some of my friends to get to me.

He stopped right in front of me an looked me up and down with a smirk on his face. My heart was racing and I had no clue what to do.

He then forcefully grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the group of my friends.

John was trying to do something but the leader stopped him.

" if you move, or do anything I will kill you" he said with a harsh voice.

My breathing was uneven when he started to drag me away any further.

" NO STOP!! MITCH!! BROTHER!" I suddenly heard Michael's voice and then a gun shot.

My eyes started tearing up as I slowly turned around to see Michael lying dead on the ground.

" MICHAEL!!! NOOOO!!" I started screaming and tried to pull myself out of the leaders grip. My heart was breaking and I was quickly dragged away. Tears was falling down my face and I tried my hardest not to sob, that failed.

" SHUT UP!! he was going to die either way" he yelled.

My sadness turned to anger.

" you don't know! He's strong and you ha no right to kill him!" I screamed.

He gave me a glare and then hit me in the head with his gun.

Everything turned dizzy and then black.

A/n soo this is going to be longer than I though but oh well. Part 3 is hopefully coming soon!💞

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