The bar

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Mitch's POV

I was sitting at the bar, drinking a glass of Chardonnay. This day has sucked so far and alcohol was kinda my only solution.

The music was loud but I heard the stool next to me move and I saw a guy in the corner of my eye.

" an Apple martini please" I heard the guy said. The voice echoed in my head and I couldn't understand how I could be so attracted to just a voice.

I looked over and my eyes went wide.
The guy was pretty muscular and had the most gorgeous blue eyes I've ever seen.

I quickly looked away when I realized that I was staring. I just couldn't take my eyes from him, he was to beautiful.

" so why are you sitting here, alone?" I decided to be brave and ask him.

" uhm.. Just getting my mind of things I guess. I'm kinda misunderstood and unaccepted" he said and looked down at his glass.

" unaccepted?" I asked.

" yeah well when I came out to my parents and they threw me out, and practically everyone hated me" he said and looked at me.

" what about you?" He asked and looked at me like if I was gold.

" just broke up with my abusive boyfriend and it didn't end that well. So I just went here to get my thoughts away... " I said and tried not to think about it.

He looked at me with wide eyes and he was looking me up and down. You could probably see some of the bruises but I didn't really care at this moment. I was lucky that my face at least didn't get completely destroyed.

" U.uhm I'm so sorry.." He said and looked genuinely concerned.

" don't be, at least he's out if my life... For now" I said and sighed.

" what do you mean by for now? Your not going back to him are you?" He asked loudly and concerned.

" this has happened before. He kinda finds me and forces me to be with him" I said put my head in my hands.

Why am I even talking to this hot stranger about this?!

" what?! That's horrible! Why would any one ever hurt you like what the fuck!? People should treat you like your gold" he said and mumbled the last part but I could still hear it.

I blushed and looked down at my lap.

Suddenly a slow song came on and Scott turned to look at me.

" do you want to dance with me?" He asked and blushed while holding out his hand for me.

I blushed while I took his hand and he led me towards the dance floor.

He put his hands on my waist and put mine around his neck and we started to slowly dance.

I looked up at him and he did the same. He looked me in the eyes and smiled a genuine smile at me and I did the same.

" I have to say that you are extremely beautiful and that person is retarded for doing that to you." He said and I didn't realize that we stopped dancing and that he caressed my cheek.

I blushed at the sweet gesture and I could see him smiling at me.

I saw him slowly leaning in and I could feel myself doing the same.

Our lips were inches from touching but I got interrupted by my phone ringing.
I pulled out and apologized quickly before answering the blocked number that was calling me.

" yes?" I said and put my head on Scott's chest and he continued to caress my cheek.

" Mitch you are so fucking dumb for thinking that this is over!! You really think that I won't find you again and that your sorry ass is going to go back to me!! But you know what?! I'm coming to get you right now! I now that you are at that bar you always go to when you are afraid of getting what you deserve!! Getting used and beaten up! You should be glad that I'm giving you what you deserve cause if you weren't that cute and fragile I would probably kill you!!" He said and I could feel my heart beating fast and my breaths getting uneven.

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