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A/n lol I don't even know.

Mitch's POV

This is my first day at Hogwarts and I couldn't be more nervous.

I have heard everything about that place and I've read pretty much about magic, but I only know a few spells.

I looked around at everyone hugging their children leaving. But I didn't have any parents, they disappeared or something a short while after I died. I lived with my aunt and she was completely ignorant about everything about me so I practically took care of myself. I entered the train, It will be pretty hard to make friends cause I'm not very good at it.

I took a deep sigh and walked to find a place to sit. There wasn't a empty place and it would be so awkward to share with someone I don't know.

"Hey, short brunette one!" Someone shouted. And I guess that was supposed to be me.

"Yeah?" I asked and turned around to the voice. I saw a small, tall blond guy that was standing outside were he probably sat.

" come sit with us!" He shouted and signed me to come. I walked towards him and into the place where he sat. He patted the place next to me, so I sat down.

I introduced myself to everyone and found out that the dark skinned guy was Kevin, the guy with a really low voice was Avi, the girl was Kirstie and the blonde guy that I sat next to was Scott.

They seemed pretty nice and I felt like I actually could talk to someone.

" So have everyone heard about that guy that murdered almost every student in griffindor? They said that he went mad from watching to much harry potter" She said and I gave her a glare.

" that is not true" I said and laughed.

" well Harry potter is" she said and again I glared at her.

" no! They filmed it and showed it to the muggles. They think that magic is fake and that the school is fake. But no. They did it to trick them" I said and felt very smart.

" wow your even smarter than Kevin!" Avi said and laughed.

I felt Scott staring at me but I decided to ignore it. I wanted to see how long he would do it.

" well are y'all nervous?" Scott suddenly asked but he still had his eyes on me.

" well yeah a bit. I'm really bad at making friends" I said and laughed awkwardly.

I looked at Scott and his jaw was on the floor.

" how can it be hard for you to make friends?! Your the smartest, funniest and prettier guy I've seen" he said and then he suddenly had his hand pressed on his mouth.

I felt myself blush at what he just said.

" thank you" I said and I was probably as red as a tomato.

I looked up and everyone was smiling widely.

"what?" I asked.

" you are so cute! I ship it!" Kirstie said and grinned.

" what in Dumbledores name is that?!" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

" well my parents are muggles. And there's something that's called internet. And shipping means that you ship to people together. Like I thought you guys were cute together so I ship it" she said like it was obvious.

" don't your parents have any idea about that stuff?" Kirstie asked and looked at me.

" I don't have any parents" I said and it turned silent.

Everyone looked at me and Kirstie tried to say something but she closed her mouth quickly.

" I'm so sorry!" Scott said and hugged me..

I hugged him back.

" it's fine. I don't even remember them." I said.

" Omg it's exactly like Harry potter! Are you he chosen one?!" Kirstie yelled excitedly.

" yeah that was my first thought when I found out" I said and rolled my eyes.

" but what happened?" Kevin asked.

" I don't know. They just disappeared out of my life. So no I'm not the chosen one Kirstie!" I said and laughed.

Soon they all laughed and I'm glad that the awkward silence was over.

" are you sure you don't have a mark somewhere?" Kirstie asked and I started laughing again.

I think I will have a great time at Hogwarts.

A/n ok, would y'all want this to be a full story? It will be kinda like Harry potter but not, I don't even know. But would y'all want that?

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