You're next Mitchie

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A/n I was bored and drew this pic, and then I decided to write a one shot about it. Hope y'all like it!!<3

Mitch's POV

"Scooott!" I shouted.

" yes Mitchie?!" Scott shouted back.

" my parents are in town and I'm going to visit them? Do you want to come or stay?" I said while he walked towards me.

" I'll come. I can't stand being without you for so long" he smiled and them kissed me quickly.

" it's not that long silly" I said and giggled.

" well I still can't stand it" he said and kissed me again

We were sitting in the car and Scott was driving to my parents hotel.

I decided to call them and tell them that we were coming.

"Who's this?" A unfamiliar low voice said.

" uhm... I'm Mitch Grassi. Who are you and why do you have my moms phone?" I asked, starting to get nervous. Was she cheating on my dad? No, that can't be.

" oh so you're her son. We'll thanks for letting me know. Your mom would probably want to say that she loves you. To bad she wasn't able to say it in person... Well guess I'll see you soon then...Mitch" the voice said and then hung up.

What the fuck just happened?! What did he mean?!

" Scott can you drive faster?" I asked and started panicking. I was kinda hyperventilating and it's obvious that Scott noticed.

" what's wrong Mitchie?" He asked with worry in his voice.

" I don't know.. Just please drive" I said and put my head in my hands.

He did as I said and drove faster. We were there 5 minutes later.

I quickly got out of the car and ran towards the reception.

" Mitchie please tell me what's wrong." Scott said and pulled me tight into his chest before I ran inside.

" it wasn't my mom who answered. It was some guy and it was weird so I'm just worried. I don't think anything had happened but I just want to check you know" I said into his chest.

" well let's go check on your parents then" he said and took my hand in his. He quickly walked me inside and talked to the receptionist.

" let's go Mitchie, it's on the second floor" he said and we walked up the stairs. I don't really like elevators.

We were standing outside their door and I was just calming myself down a bit.

I knocked on their door, but there was no answer.

" Mom?! Dad?!" I shouted and knocked even louder, but there was still no answer.

Scott took my hand and squeezed it tightly. He then tried to pull the handle, and the door was open.

I was now hyperventilating and Scott was trying I calm me down.

" Mitch, I can go check first if you want to" he said calmly and kindly.

" I'm coming with you" I said and squeezed his hand hard.

I then walked inside and continued to shout their names. I slowly walked into their bedroom but what I saw made me fall to the ground.

My parents were lying int the floor, dead and bloody. On the wall the text "you're next Mitchie" was written with their blood.

I collapsed to the floor and screamed loudly. Scott quickly sat in front of me to cover the view.

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