Somethings in our house (part 2)

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Mitch's POV

Scott was staring at something behind me.

I slowly turned my head to see what it was.

There she was, I froze on the spot.

I got a better look at her. Her eyes were black, she was wearing what looked like an nurse suit, but it looked really old.

I then looked back at Scott. But Scott wasn't there, instead stood an old man there and he looked really angry.

" SCOOOOOTT!!" I screamed.

I couldn't move, and he was right in my face.

He lifted his hand and put it on my cheek.

It immediately burned and I screamed in pain.

I fell to the floor, and crawled away.

Then suddenly I felt something grab my wrist and I flew to the wall.

I screamed and tried to look who it was. But now it was no one there.

Scott came rushing to me.

" Where the fuck where you?!!" I screamed at him.

" I just got home" he said and looked confused.

" no! You where here a couple of minutes ago, you were hugging me!" I screamed.

" No, I wasn't....." He said.

I froze.

What is happening to me?

" what happened Mitch?" Scott looked really scared now.

I realized I was crying.

" S.somethings wrong w.with me Scott" I said between sobs.

He then looked at the wall behind me.

" I don't think so Mitch" he said and looked terrified.

I looked at the wall and something was written in what looked like blood.

It said.

" there's nothing you can do"

I started sobbing again when I saw the woman grinning at me.

" what am I supposed to do?" I asked Scott.

" maybe we should see what was ere before this house." He said.

I nodded and started searching for our address.

I read out loud what I found to Scott.

" it says that it used to be a children's hospital here and before that it was a mental hospital. The mental hospital was closed when one of the patients escaped and killed everyone.

The children's hospital was closed down when a man and a nurse killed all the kids. It was only one kid that survived...." I read.

That's so horrible.

I looked up and saw the woman pointing at me.


I read when the accident happened.

It was 1995, when I was 3 years old.

I looked up and she was still pointing at me.

" you" she whispered and then disappeared.

I looked at Scott and he looked really confused.

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