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A/n so this fanfic is a bit depressing, and contains abuse. So if your not okay with that, don't read it;)

Mitch's POV

Scott and I have lived together for a long time and we were best friends. But I wanted it to be more, I have a crush on him. But I've never said it because Scott was together with a boy called Alex, and I didn't want to ruin anything.

I've been really depressed the last couple of weeks cause Scott was planing on moving in with Alex.

I would never be able to handle being without Scott, I would just be more depressed.

Scott had of course noticed and asked me, but I said that everything was fine. Now he never talks to me, he is always with Alex and when he's home he just ignores me. I had started cutting, Scott never noticed though, witch is another example of that he is ignoring me.

I always cried myself to sleep and I barely left the room. I didn't eat much and I had lost a lot of weight, but again Scott never noticed that.

I decided to go out of my room and watch some TV. Scott was in his room, probably talking to Alex on Skype.

Scott's POV

I had been so happy with Alex, it was like everything was perfect. Except one thing though. Mitch barely left his room and never talked to me, the last time I saw him he looked really depressed but he said he was fine.

I was talking with Alex on the phone, we talked for almost an hour before he had to go. I decided to maybe try to talk to Mitch, I've decided to move in with Alex next week and I had to tell him.

When I walked out of my room I saw Mitch sitting on the couch. I just stood there staring for awhile, I got really sad and scared. Mitch looked really pale and skinny and he had huge bags under his eyes.

Mitch caught me staring and looked immediately away. He tried to walk to his room but I stopped him.

" Mitch" I said and he stopped.

" please Mitch can I talk to you?" I said again and Mitch walked back to sit on the couch. I sat next to him.

" what do you want" Mitch said in a quiet and raspy voice.

" I just need to talk to you" I said and looked him in the eyes.

" well you haven't talked to me in a month so why now?" He said irritated.

" I though you didn't want to talk." I said

" what the hell do you think!? I've been alone every single day with no one to talk to!" He said started getting angry.

" I'm sorry, why didn't you talk to Kirstie" I asked I don't want him to be angry.

" I don't want to, and she is busy with Jeremy" he said and sighed.

" just tell me what it is you want to tell me" he said again.

" I'm moving in with Alex next week" I mumbled. He eyes widened and tears started rolling down his cheeks as he left rushing to his room.

Mitch's POV

" I'm moving in with Alex next week"

I felt my heart get pulled out of my chest. I started crying and ran to my room, I started sobbing into my pillow. I know that I haven't seen him much these last couple of weeks, but now I will almost never see him.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

" Mitch? Mitch please open." Scott said

I didn't want to answer but for some reason I did.

Scomiche one shots;)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora