Geekin' (REQUEST)

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#A.N.: Heya! I'm SO sorry for the delay, it's just some stuff came up this week so I couldn't post on the normal schedule. Anywho, this is a request by Octavia_octoling Hope y'all like it!

Your POV

You smile as you walk through the streets of New York City, the music blasting through your headphones. Meanwhile, you keep your eyes locked on your cellphone as you read about this new Marvel event that's going to happen soon. But...

"Hang on, I'm gonna have a test?! Right on this day?!!" The day that will be directed specifically to your favorite Marvel character will be the same day that you're gonna have to do an important test in school. "*Groan* Oh, come on! Are you kidding me?!"

And just like that, you start making a plan that will allow you to get there in time. "I could go by the subway-- Nah, it's going to be super crowded. Same with the buses. I could go by bike/skate/roller blades, but I will be soaked and all icky when I get there. And I don't have my driver's license yet. *Groan* What am I going to do?!" You grad your head and look up before letting out a sigh and dropping your head before walking again.

After a bit, you reach the store you usually go. You've been saving some money, so you think it's time to spend a bit of it.

"Oh, hey, Y/n. How're ya doing?" Max, the son of the store owner, says as he smiles at you.

"I'm pissed off." You mumble.


"Because of the new event. I'm going to have a test on the same day that they're gonna make some special stuff about (f/M/c - favorite Marvel character)."

"Oh, that's a bummer. But don't you have your driver's license already?"

"Nah, I still need to have a class or two before I do the test."


"Yeah. That sucks."

"Is there anything I can do to make you happier?"

"You don't have some new cheap merch, do you?"

"Mmm... Hang on." He says before he leaves. After a bit, he's back with a hoddie from (f/M/c). Your eyes widen as your chin drops.

"No way..."

"I know you have a lot of stuff, but I don't recall you having a hoodie. If you already have one, I can go look for something else."

"That looks expensive... I love it, but I don't think I'll be able to pay for it, even if you give me a discount."

"Then..." He bends down and gets something from down the counter. "How about this?" He takes a necklace and shows you.

"Oh, I love it. It's so cute." You take it and check the price. "And it's cheap too."

"If you think that's cheap, you better take a second look."

You do as he suggests and notice that beside being cheap it's also on the discount. "No way."

He nods and you laugh a bit. "Then I'm taking it, sir."

He laughs and you finish your shopping. "Thanks, Max. See you on the event?"

"Wouldn't dream of missing it."

You walk to your home with a smile in your face. Maybe you can come out with a plan not to miss the event.


You let out a happy sigh. You managed to do your test and go to the event. Sure, you had to face a bunch of people on your way there and back home, but it was worth it.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now