If I Stay (REQUEST - Part 3)

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#A.N.: this is the final chapter of this request, hope y'all liked it so far and I hope this last chapter is up to the rest. Thanks again to ThranduilsElvenQueen for making this request and I hope you like this last bit. So let's get to it.

Your POV - present time

You're on the ambulance carrying your body. Yes, you are seeing your body as you are being taken to the hospital.

When you woke up, you weren't with your previous clothes on, you were wearing some whitish ones. And though barefoot, you weren't feeling the cold. You walked around calling your mom, dad and little brother/sister. You stopped your tracks when you saw a comotion up ahead.

You go there hoping to get some answers. You see people in uniforms, police officers, medics jumping off an ambulance and rushing around, firefighters. You keep calling for your relatives, and even try to talk to other people, but they don't answer. It's almost as if you weren't there at all.

That was when you saw it. Your own body getting assistance from some medics. You gasp not being able to believe it. They're carrying... Your body... To an ambulance.

(... Wait... Am I... D-Dead...?!) You think in sheer horror as you clutch your stomach.

"We need to get her to the hospital right now or we're gonna lose her!" One of the doctors say, so you end up sighing in relief. But it's still so odd, though. You're there seeing things as you normally would. But you're also seeing yourself unconscious.

You end up following the doctors and get in the ambulance. But when it's about to take off, you see a police car getting there and see a mutant turtle getting out of it. It has a red mask around his head. Your eyes widen as you recognize him.

"... Raph... Raph!" You shout as you hit the glass, but he doesn't make any sign that he heard you whatsoever just like everyone else.


You're at the hospital still not sure what's going on. You try to ask everyone else for help, but it's like they can't see you at all. You are a ghost, but you're body still has a beating heart. What's going on?

Without any answers you follow the medical crew take you to a surgery room and start trying to keep you alive. One of the nurses get by your side and talks to you. "Here's the secret, baby. You control this whole thing. If you live, if you die, it's all up to you. So whatever fight you got in there, you gotta to pull it out now."

You stare at her still confused. How are you supposed to fight if all you can do right now is watch?

Unfortunately, that's what you do. At least until you decide to go out to find your family.

As you walk through the halls, you keep looking around trying to find any sort of clue that might lead you to your family. And soon enough you spot someone you know.

"B/n - bestie's name - ... B/n! B/n, wait!" You run after him/her and when you reach him/her, you see him/her greeting your grandparents. They seem so worried.

You follow them around as they go around for info on you and your family. As a social worker shows up and starts giving them some answers, you try to hold your bestie's hand the best way you can, but he/she doesn't seem to have felt a single thing.

After getting all the information they could, they go back to the waiting room. "I already called everyone from Y/n's band. I even managed to try and call Leo, but he didn't pick up nor respond."


You clear your head and go back to the operation room. Once the surgery is over, they take you to the ICU. The woman from earlier shows up and pats your head. "How are we beautiful? I told them that I don't wanna leave you. I'm not gonna let you out of my sight."

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now