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"Goodmorning babe" Is the first thing that came out of his mouth when he woke up. HIs voice was husky due to him just waking up. He sat his body foward and wipes his eyes while letting out a quite yawn. His eyes crunched up ever so slightly causing me to grin at his beauty.

The sudden guilt hit me for being the reason that him and his band are possibly over. I cant help but feel bad. Millions of girls would be heartbroken and his life would be over.

"Tiff babe I know what your thinking keep your chin up" His hand brushed over my jaw as a silly grin covered his face.

"Its all my fault" I looked away shaking my head so slightly. I hear him groan while getting up to face me.

"This is not your fault I wanted this. I wanted you and if they didn't except that than screw them" His bright eyes connected with mine as I melted with each word. Each word that left his mouth, I knew he meant.

"Your amazing you know" I lift my head up to meet his eyes. He looks at me with a giant smile before swooping down to press a kiss to my lips. I pulled away right then and there just to tease him.

"Ew morning breath" I joked as he shook his head. He wrapped his large arms around my small body and began to tickle me. "Ha-Harry stop" I shouted as his hands ran up and down my sides.

"Morning breath my arse" His husky voice whispered into my ears causing me to shiver.

"Oh and by the way Gemma is watching Darcy I am taking you out today get ready" He winked before hopping out of bed. Since when was he going to take me out. This invite actually makes me feel happy. I haven't been on a real date since well Adam. Me and Harry always used to go on dates when we were in highschool.

"ok" Was all I said before he walked out of the room leaving me blushing like a fool. My mind is rushing with thoughts slightly getting excited about the thoughts of today.

After minutes of searching through my closet I began to give up hope. Everything I saw seemed as if it wouldn't be good enough. On the top of my shelf I found an old pair of distressed boyfriend jeans.

I rolled up the bottoms of them and paired it with a black and white striped over sized sweater. This look was cute yet comfortable.

I ended up curling my hair and putting on a black hat that I bought from top shop and never ended up wearing.

I slide on my black madden booties and applied light makeup. I remember back in the day whenever I wore makeup Harry told me not to.

He told me "when girls like you are granted the luck of beauty they should never hide it with makeup."

Little things like that I remember. I also remember this one time we were walking back from this house party.

It was my first time drinking so things when crazy. I ended up losing some of my shoes so when it was time to walk home I had to walk home barefoot.

There was a huge puddle that laid right in front of me. Harry who was also drunk at the time decided to lay his jacket in the puddle so I could walk over it.

Little did he know I could of walked around the puddle, but we were to drunk to process.

It was a cute gesture thought.

Next thing I know a grin is plasters on my face. This usually happens when he is in my mind. I get all giddy and happy feeling its quite weird. I hate he has this control over me.

"Higher daddy higher" I heard Darcys faint screams come from the other room. With curiosity I walked into the living room to see Darcy being lifted by Harry over his head.

He spun her around and around as he cried of enjoyment became louder.

"Now what is going on in here" I joked as I walked along side of Harry. He looked at me with a bright smile before placing Darcy down.

"Daddy was helping me fly" She cooed while throwing her arms in an airplane motion.

"Oh really know" my eyes searched Harrys face as he bite down on his lower lip to fight his smile.

"Guilty as charged" He raised his hands up and shrugged in defense. He was honestly so cute without even trying. Which makes me feel so much more luckier than before.

His eyes and his smile can light up any dark room. His skin glows with the hint of tan left over from the summer. His dark curled carelessly thrown back with a headband. Which by the way is new.

I kind of like the way it pushes his hair out of his face. It shows his gorgeous green eyes.

"Morning lovebirds" Gemmas cheery voice called from the kitchen. Harry picked Darcy up and sat her in her height chair.

"I am taking Tiffany out today can you watch Darcy" He asked Gemma as he peeled her banana open. She stroked her chin while trying to put a confused face on.

"Why not" She broke into a grin while pinching Darcys cheek. Darcy swatted at her hand as I let out a small laugh.

"Great now were going to get going I have a day to sweep my lady of her feet and it starts now" Just then he literally picked me up into his arms.

My face immediately went red as his hands wrapped around my waist. "Harry I am to heavy for you to carry me" I tries to reason but he shook his head.

"Nonsense your as light as a feather" He looked at my face and must of saw the uncertainty "honest" he added.

"The gesture is great, but I would probably enjoy it more if you set me down" I smile innocently as he pecked my cheek.

"As you wish" He set me down and wrapped our hands together.

"You cant just get enough of me" I teased as he licked his plump pink lips. His hand tugged me towards his body as he whispered into my ear, "now that is true."

Cue the butterflies erupting out of my stomach at this very moment. Once we reached the car he held the door open for me as I jumped it while muttering a quite thank you.

His arm extended to the radio knob and pressed the CD button. Ed Sheeran angelic voice filled the car.

When you legs don't work like they used to before. And I cant sweep you off of your feet.

"Oh my god I love Ed" I squealed as he gave me a lopsided grin.

"You know he is my best mate" He states like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"You don't need to brag, and can you tell me where were going" I huffed as his hand came in contact with my thigh.

"Its not bragging" He said smugly. "And thats for me to know and you to fin out. "


Sorry for the short crappy chapter. My laptop is broke so I have to type on my phone. Im leaving for vacation tomorrow so I won't be able to update for a week sorry about that. Hope your loving the book thought!Xx


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