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"No fucking way" Gemma resisted as I dragged her towards the peter pan ride. "Come on Darcy wants you to come with us, see!" I pointed at Darcy who gave Gemma her typical puppy dog eyes that always won someones heart. "Please auntie" She pouted.

Gemma gave me a glare before sighing "fine" she muttered. Anne patted her on the back as I led her in. "If I have to go on this silly ride your coming too." I laughed while standing in the line.

"I wanna mawy pweater pan he is so dweamy" Darcy cooed whole looking at the statue of peter. "Dont we all want a prince who can sweep us off our feet" Gemma muttered as we moved up in line.

Although these rides are absolutely dreadful the look on Darcy's face reminds me the reason I am doing this. At first finding out I was pregnant was horrifying. The thought of being a teenage mom alone scared me. Just seeing Darcy changed my mind. She gave me hope that I will never be alone.

"Please step into the pirate ship" an attendant dressed as an elf directed us towards the blue colored ship. They were moving on this coveyor belt. At the end the ships were attcked to a track and it gave the illusion that we were flying. I lifted Darcy up and set her in. Gemma was next to her and I sat across.

Gemma was pouting leaning her elbow on the side. Darcy was looking around as the faint music became clearer. I swiped out my phone "smile" I tease Gem before snapping the picture. I think its cute. You have Darcy all smiley and Gemma the grumpy duarf. I almost think this is the snow white ride and Gem is grumpy.

"You know this is peter pan, not snow white so smile grumpy" I hit Gems leg. She looked up at me and gave me a fake smile. "Look its peter" Darcy squealed pointing at the familiar blonde elf flying around. She watched him intensely and listened to every word he said.

Once the ride was over we all got out of the cart and met up with Anne who was holding the stuff. "How was the ride kiddies" She smiled while picking up Darcy. "It was awesome" Darcy cheered while smiling brightly. Im glad she loved the trip.

"How about some food you hungry hunny" I said looking towards Darcy. She nodded her head as we searched for a place to eat. There was this little restaurant next to Small World.

"Sit anywhere you would like" One of the waiters instructed us as we walked in. Darcy ran over to a chair and sat down so we followed. Each chair had a design cut out which was cool.

We all ordered our food. Darcy got pizza because she absolutely hates chicken. Me and Gem got burgers while Anne got a salad.

"How you liking Disney" Anne said while sipping her water. "Its fwun" Darcy smiling bouncing in her chair. She can never sit still.

"We are going to stay and watch the fireworks tonight then tomorrow we will go to animal kingdom and see the animals! After that we will go to Epcot and travel around the world hows that sound" I grabbed Darcy's hand and played with her finger.

She bobbed her head and looked around. Gemmas phone began to ring then she answered.

"Hello..... Harold... No.... You what... Dammit no- harry... Fucking dick hung up on me "She muttered while ending the call. She looked at me with a sad smile.

"The boys are flying out to Orlando and Harry wants to see you" She frowned playing with her napkin. My heart twitched at his name. "Who's Hawy" Darcy asked while sipping her chocolate milk.

"He is grandma Anne's son" I fake smiled while looking down at my fidgeting fingers. "Your food" The waiter interrupted the awkward silence. The tension could be cut with a butter knife. He set down the tray of food and turned towards Darcy.

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