About your anther! (Also thank you for 14k reads!)

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oh hello there,glad you wanted to read this.

My name is Tea, I go by she/they (please respect that)

I have a magical thing called ADD (Yay)

I am a Gemini (Shout out to all the Geminis reading)

And lastly, I write all of these words so you can read you horny little-


anyways, I haven't been posting for the fact of, I AM OUT OF IDEAS.

And I have no motivation
also hel- I mean school has been keeping my ass busy.

but like, Thank you for 14k reads! I really appreciate the fact people like what I write, even if its bad-

But uuuum Follow me K thx bye

(Also I'm bi ;>) (Shout out to all the Bi peeps reading)  

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