Kitten and puppy

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My friend Sent me his photo, And like
My son🥺🥺🥺🥺
Put a '🥺' in the chat For kitty gogy


George was not happy about the face his Puppy was working, He wanted all of His Rottweilers attention But his Rottweiler is still a YouTuber.

"Puppy~ I want attention!" George Whined, Clay turned around to look at his kitten and said "Do you wanna lay in my lap baby, Because you can if you want".

George got off of the bed an speeded to Clay laps, Him Facing Dream, Nuzzling his face Into Clay chest.

Clay continued to make the Thumbnail, he was half way finished but George still wanted to cuddle. George's Tail wagged gently as George started to clean Clay.

George was just Cleaning Clays neck, George cleaned Clay often, Even after Clay takes a shower George will clean him.

"Hey baby, I'm almost done, What do you wanna do after this?" Clay asked While rubbing Georges back. "I wanna play!" George giggled, Loving play time.

"Oh~ What do you have in mind?" Clay asked while continuing to edit the thumbnail. "I wanna play Hide and Seek. I want My yarn ball too..." George said while playing with Clays hoodie strings

"And cuddle afterwards?" Clay said, Making George nod. "Okay kitten, I can make that happen" Clay said, Then George giggled and Bounced up and down in excitement.

Clay held George's hips to stop him from falling out of the Chair. "Kisses!" George said while wrapping His arms around Clays neck, He sighed, then He kissed George.

Clay Leaning back In his Chair Making George lean forward, Clay putting his hands On George's hips. "Okay Chu Baby, I gotta mph Put the finishing touches" Clay tried to say while George continued to kiss him.

George finally Pulled away then clay said "On the Thumbnail, So get down and wait for me in the Living room" George shook his head but he did get down.

George sat on There bed while waiting for His puppy 'Patiently' But After like 6 minutes George started to whine, Him wanting to play. George was On his Belly with his ass in the air as he watched his puppy, His tail swayed softly, As it was also in the air.

George whined then got up and Got behind Clay kissing and nibbling Clays Floppy ear. George Whined When Clay didn't Stop. George started to kiss and nibble On Clays Neck then he turned around and kissed George, Finally Giving George the attention he wanted.

"Baby, Give me a few more minutes..." That sentience Made George whine, George sat back in Clays lap, George sitting on Clays thigh to be exact.

Clay sighed then let his leg bounce, The movement Made George purr softly, After a little Clay finally finished the thumbnail, He saved it and then Picked Up George and put him down.

"Give me a second baby and I'll be out to play, Okay?" Clay said then George nodded and walked out. Dream turned off his Pc and Got the Both Yarn.

"Baby, I got your yarn~" Clay said while Walking into the living room. His kittens ears popped up to see the yarn in his hand.

Clay rolled it on the floor and George Jumped up to get it, The Kitten rolled around on the floor playing with the yarn. Clay giggled as he watched George enjoying his yarn.

Clay threw The fluffier Yarn over to George, George's cat senses looked at it then hit it it like a cat would paw at something. Clay smiled as he watched George giggled happily As he roll around in the yarn.

George crawled over to Clay and Put his head in his arms that where on Clays legs. The stuck his tongue out At Clay, Making Clay giggled, Then booped George's nose, George huffed, Shaking his head, Messing up the yarn that was all over his body.

Clay Started to rub behind George's Ear, Making the kitten Purr. "Fuck, Your so cute..."  Clay said, George scrunched his nose bridge taunting Clay.


Clay pulled George up onto the Couch and the got underneath George's legs, Then opening his leg putting his head through that space.

"Why can't you wear a skirt?" Clay asked his kitten. "You want me to Wear a skirt??" George said while one of his ears leaned down.

"Please???" Clay asked Then George shook his head "Puppy gonna want to breed me, I playful today!" George said. "What? you don't want any kittens?" Clay said While moving there position, George sitting on Clays Chest while Clay Rubbed George's Thighs.

"Nooo! I'm the only Kitten here!" George whined, Dream chuckled. "What if we still bread but, there was no kittens afterwards???" Dream Said while pulling George closer to him.

"Then maybe..." George said while playing with the yarn on his tail. "Okay then, When will that happen?" Clay said making George look away "potentially tomorrow" George muttered.

"Awww~ I like how my kitten gets all Shy when we talk about making love~" Clay said, George leaned down to lay in Clays arms.

"I wanna nap now..." George said while nuzzling his face into Clays neck. "Okay baby, Sleep well" Clay said while rubbing George's back then they both feel asleep

Whoever said they'll pay me for me, Pay me in a follow, Thank you.

Get a snack 🔫🥴

Annnnnd follow me if you want an extremely wholesome Smut with these two, I might actually make a separate Full story with these two. Idk.

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