close hugs

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(haven't posted in a little,sorry about dat)


I was crafting some things,for the base manly when I was jumped scared by two arms rapped around me.

"who's this?" I asked while holding the hand of the person "It's T" they laughed
"No I think that's George" I said while laughing

"fine you caught me" George pulled his arms away from my torso,I turned around to look at him,his glasses where on his head,showing off his beautiful brown eye's.

"did you need something?" I asked him,he shook his head softly "I just wanted to hug you" he said softly,I nodded and turned back around to continued crafting,he walked back outside,I blushed a little "well that was a close hug" I muttered to myself.

as I was finished crafting two arms were rapped around my torso,I looked down to see it was the same pair of arms as before "do you need something now?" George hugged me closer "I-is there something you want?" I asked again "yes" 

I sighed "and what my that be?" he hugged me closer "Hug me back" I sighed and unwrapped his arms from around my torso,turned around and hugged him.

he yelped happily as he hugged me tighter,I blushed a little "I can't breath.." I muttered to him,he let go of me "I'm sorry" he muttered "It's fine" I say smiling.

✨A short wholesome little story✨

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