Kitten and puppy Part 2 (Fluffy smut)

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George had been woken up With kisses on the neck, His Puppy doing the neck kisses, George stretched out slightly as Clay continued to kiss and nibble on George's neck.

George purred softly, Enjoying the feeling, Clay had his hand on George's hip and his other hand holding George's  chest. Clays hand that was on George's hip moved To his tail, Playing with it, Clay only had done it because It, In the right circumstance, Gave a kitten sexual pleasure.

The hand holding George moved To Get underneath George's shirt, Wanting it off a soon as possible. George was panting softly, enjoying every little bit of this.

Dreams hand Traced George carves Gently, Then moving up to George's neck, It being there to hold George, not choke him.

"Clay~" George Moaned out gently, The moan breathy, And would be hard to hear clay wasn't Right next to George's mouth.

"Shhhh... Enjoy yourself baby, I'm here to please you sweetheart, And only please you" Clay Whispered softly. George Purred more and more from the pleasure, Then Clay Started to kiss George's lips, His hand still playing with George's tail. George Turned around, Clay letting go of George's Tail then Got George's tail again.

Clays hand Glided down from George's neck to his chest, George purred, panted, and moaned gently Against Clays soft lips. Clay had let go Of George's tail to Get on top of him.

Then Clay pulled away to admire his work, Loving how beautiful his kitten looked underneath him. "Darling, You look so pretty..." Clay whispered Softly. George Nuzzled his face into Clays shoulder.

"Please Puppy... Make me feel good..." the kitten whined softly, Wanting more. Clay smiled then Pulled George's shirt up, The only thing he had put on when they went to sleep.

George got his hands and pulled down Clays Basketball shorts. Clay kicked them off, then pulled there covers up Over his Shoulders, He wanted this to be more private, Like George's body was his now.

"Fuck, Your so beautiful, My perfect kitten" Clay Whispered, Looked at George's chocolate Colored eyes. "Clay, Please, Make love to me" George purred out, Clay nodded and then pulled down George's Boxers, Clay doing the same.

"M-Make yourself comfortable, Like Get in a comfortable position" Clay said when he finished pulling of George's boxers and threw them somewhere in the room.

The kitten nodded and Spread his legs putting them underneath Clays arms and wrapped them around his Waist. "Are you comfortable?" Clay asked while looking up at his kitten, The small kitten nodded gently.

Clay Slide back and put the tip on George's hole, George prepared himself, But inside of relaxing, He tensed up. Clay noticed, He took one of the kittens hands, Holding the smaller hand in his bigger hand. "Relax your muscles baby... Keep a steady breath, Squeeze my hand it it hurts to much and you need a break" Clay said, Making sure George was comfortable, and knew he was safe.

George nodded and took a deep breath, And breathed out, Relaxing his body And then nodded softly, His eyes closed. Clay Pushed inside of the smaller extremely slow, Never wanting to hurt his kitten.

Once Clay was 1/3ed inside of George, George had squeezed Clays hand, Clay stopped dead in is tracks, Waiting for the nod but he did praise George with a few "Your doing so good baby" and some "Such a good kitten".

Once George nodded again Clay went back to filling His lover with his manhood. As Clay was 2/3s inside of George, The smaller Squeeze his hand. Clay stopped being extremely patient with George, Clay knowing he wasn't small, Or just pretty big.

Clay continued to praise George by saying "Your doing so well baby, I'm extremely proud of you". George smiled while the blush on his cheeks went from a soft rose color to a dark crimson color. "O-Okay, continue puppy..." George said gently, His voice slightly shaky.

Clay continued until he bottomed out, George was panting, his tail wagging aggressively. Clay praised George even more "Your such a good kitten, So good for me".

George Whined a soft "Y-You can move, B-But please be gentle" Clay nodded and leaned forward his face in the crook of George's neck. Clay rolled his hips Slowly, Pleasing George at a slow pace.

"Your so good Kitten, I'm so proud of you, Your doing amazing" Clay said, Praising George over and over again and would even say sweet nothings here and there. George's ears were down, Him being pleasured to the extreme amount.

George was moaning, purring, and oddly enough, Whining from pure Ecstasy. The sex was slow, Loving and lasted extremely long, Making it feel even better. "Clay~ I-I'm gonna, I'm-" George moaned out then his back arched, His eyes rolled back, And the grip on his mates hand tightened.

George Climax was the best he had ever felt, Clay Hitting his high not long after, George's body practically went limp, Him losing all of his energy from the Sex he had just had.

"You did amazing Sweetheart, I said it over and over again but honestly, I'm Really proud of you" Clay said, then he pulled out of George to look at his work. The Cream pie he had just given George filled him to the brim, Even leaking out slightly.

George's body feel sideways and Clay smiled gently, The got up and put on his boxers and George said a gentle "What are you doing puppy?" Clay looked back at his lover.

"I'm gonna take care of you, By making you some food, cleaning you up and then cuddling you" Clay said, George smiled sleepily, Then nodded, Clay walked out of there room And started to make something good for his kitten.

When he walked back into there room he had some yogurt with some sliced bananas, strawberries, apples, etc on it, Also some warm milk to help the kitten rest after he ate.

The kitten was sitting up now, He looked over at Clay and smiled softly. The puppy Gave his kitten the food and put the milk on his side table.

Clay had Gotten a warm blanket and gave it to his kitten, The smaller feeling warm again. After George finished eating He gave Clay the bowl, Clay walking out and putting it in the sink and walked back into there room to find a now sleepy kitten, Who had just drank there Warm milk.

Clay smiled Gently as he looked at the love of his life. He got on his side of the bed and laid next to the sleepy kitten, Spooning Him. Then Clay whispered a soft "go to sleep baby, I'm right here, I'm Gonna be here when you fall asleep and when you wake up".

George's chocolate eyes fluttered close as he drifted to sleep, Then Clay feel asleep not long after, Cuddling George closely to him.

Two new books coming out soon? 🧐🧐🤨🤨🤔🤔

Who knows ;))

Take care of yourself🗡🙄

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