Small blob (Fuffy)

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Word count : 1178

George was walking around in a main area of Landon, once he saw something on the ground. George kneeled down to get a closer look at the thing.

It was a white blob, who looked pretty beat up, George though to himself 'Poor thing'. George picked up the box the blob was laying on and took them back to his house. The blob was still asleep, Once they where back at George's house, George put the box on a table.

George walked to his bathroom to find some supplies to help the blob, Once he got back the blob was awake, But didn't move. "Hey little thing..." George whispered to the blob, the blob weakly looked up at George, then started to shake in fear.

"I'm not gonna hurt you baby..." George whispered softly, He held out his hand out for the blob to smell. The blob smelled George's hand, then rubbed there face in it, George gently picked up the blob making them squeak.

"Sorry sweetie, I wanna help you, I'll try to be gentle baby" George whispered softly, the blob squeaked softly in response. George got a q-tip and put some medicine on it and rubbed it on the blobs face, then putting a small band-Aid over it.

=== After George fixed the blob up ===

George kissed the blobs forehead gently, making the blob have small Green blush appear on his face. George giggled softly, "Do you feel better?" George said gently, making the blob nod.

"That's good" George said while laying his head down and petting the blobs head, Making the blob sway side to side out of pure excitement. "What's your name little guy?" George asked the blob while laying his head down to look closer at the blob.

The blob laid down and pretended to sleep, "Sleepily?" George said getting no answer, "Tried?" George asked again, still no. Then it hit George "Dream!" George yelled out, making the blob bounce up and bounce up and down squeaking.

"I'll take that as a yes!" George said exactly.

=== Week later ===

George was laying on the couch with the blob laying on his chest when there was a knock on the door, George Picked up the blob and walked to the door.

George placed the Blob on the kitchen counter, that was next to the door of George's apartment, Then he opened the door.

There was a guy with a messy look, extremely messy, he had a picture of Dream in his hand. "Hi? How can I help you?" George said, trying to stay calm "Have you seen my pet?" The guy said, his voice sounding like he smokes about 17 packs daily.

"Nope, I haven't" George said while smiling then attempting to close the door but the guy put his hand on the door. "My friends saw you take the little shit, so let me double check" The guy said, making George become slightly annoyed.

"Your pet isn't here, I can promise you that" George said then pushing the door again. "You bitch, let me in!" The guy said right about to hit George but a mysterious hand stopped it.

"Sir, Please leave, Your pet isn't here, I can assure you" The person said, the guy pulled away, he groaned in anger, then walked away. George closed the door then turned around to see the blob on the floor.

He was shocked and confused, He got on his knees and picked up the blob. "D-did you do that" George questioned the blob, The blob winked at George, implying a yes.

"C-Can you show me?" George said while putting the blob on the table, Then sparks flew around the blob, then there was a man.

He had a green hoodie, some Jeans, horribly Dirty shoes, and a handsome face. He had Beautiful Green eyes with a brown around the Iris, even though George saw Dreams eyes as a yellow, he still thought they where mesmerizing, He had soft freckles on his face, with dirty blonde hair, His hair was extremely fluffy, Was probably soft too.

(yeah, I just roasted Dreams dirty ass shoes, What are you gonna do about it-) ( But seriously, Dream, clean your damn shoes, it's sad-)

"Hey, my name is clay" Dream said while putting his hand out, George was flustered, but took Dreams hand and shook it. "N-Nice to meet you Dream, M-My name is George" George stuttered out, But Dream took George's hand and kissed it as a prince would kiss a princess.

George's face was red "Thank you, Thank you for saving me" Dream said While looking up at George. Dream jumped off and sighed softly "I wish I knew how to repay you" Dream said sadly.

"Oh- Um, It's fine, You don't have too" George said while walking away from Dream, Dream took George's hand and said a "But, I want too" George's face went red.

"I-I mean, You could just, stay like that and, I-I don't know, cuddle with me?" George said while murmuring the last words. "Of course! I'd love to!" Dream said while pulling George to the couch.

George Laid on the couch first while Dream laid on him, George ran his fingers in Dreams hair, making the boy prrr Softly. And most importantly, the hair was extremely soft.

=== Later ===

As they watched T.V George had a question for his new found roommate, But though it was kinda rude to ask.

"Clay?" George said, making Dreams head pop up "Yeah?" Dream said "What happened when you where with, that, guy..?" George asked, wanting to know how to help Dream.

"Well, basically, it was neglect, and abuse" Dream muttered "Was it always like that?" George asked another question, Making Dream nod softly. George pulled Dream into a close hug wanting to comfort him, Dream started to tear up slightly.

"You can cry, let it all out" George said leaning back to lay down as Dream cried, George rubbed Dreams back making sure he knew everything was okay now. George even kissed Dreams forehead Gently, Still trying to Comfort Dream.

Once Dream had stopped crying, George kissed his nose softly telling him that everything was okay now, something that made Dream smile. "Thank you, again, for everything" Dream said, something that made George blush softly, the replied with a "Your welcome".

Dream laid back on George's chest, George falling asleep not long after, once Dream realized he did, Dream Got off of him to Get a soft blanket, then laid back on George covering himself with the blanket. Dream, Got fully on top of George's peaceful sleeping face, then leaned down to kiss George's lips softly.

Dream pulled away slowly and laid back on George's chest, going to sleep not long after.

I'm sorry if I get 'okay' and 'okey' confused. I'm very bad at spelling T-T, so I easily get them confused.

Get yourself some water, a snack, do something to take care of yourself :) You deserve it :))
Also, please follow, it's 3 am, please 😭

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