Tired Dragon (fluffy)

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(404 Error! Artist is TofuPuppys on twitter!)
I really like there art, It so cuuuute.
and there half Dragon in this one.
word count: 490
George yawned softly, the yellow Dragon was tired at the moment, be he was still waiting for his other dragon to came back home.

He was trying his hardest to stay awake, not wanting to sleep without his lover. Then he heard someone yell "I'm Back!" George was to tired to get up, so he just laid there and said a "I'm in bed baby...".

The purple dragon walked in there room to see George laying down on there big bed. "Hey baby, are you tired?" dream said gently, George just stretched his arms out and made a motion that said 'pick me up and cuddle me'.

Dream smiled softly and walked over to George and picked him up, nuzzling there noses together, making George tiredly giggle. Dream sat back onto the bed and wrapped his wings around George.

"mm~" George hummed, snuggling up to Dream's chest, Dreams heart practically melted as George did that. "You could of fallen asleep without me baby... I wouldn't of mind" Dream said while stroking George's brown hair.

"I can't sleep without my lover boy" George mumbled out tiredly. Dream kissed George's forehead Softly as he rubbed George's back gently.

"Am I your lover boy?" Dream asked softly, Making George nod. "God, you so cute" Dream said while hugging George closer, and his tail waging softly.

George hugged him back, Dream had realized George hasn't even changed into something more comfortable to sleep in.

"Baby, your still in your regular clothes, you want me to change you?" Dream asked and George purred softly, George just nodded. Dream stood up but laid george back down, Dream just got a big t- shirt for george and changed George into it.

George did the same motion as before, wanting to be picked up again. "Give me a second baby, I gotta change too." Dream said as he got into some basketball shorts and taking off his hoodie and shirt underneath.

He picked up George again, Kissing George on the lips, he laid George down before He laid next to him. both of there tails twisted with each other as George started to struggle to stay awake.

Dream covered the both of them with a blanket then covered George with his wing. "Love you Baby" Dream said kissing George's forehead gently. George was already fast asleep as Dream smiled to himself.

"So adorable..." Dream said to himself then fell asleep himself.

George smiled sleepily while a light blush appeared on his cheeks.

I will, 1000% make this a small serious, It's so cute, IM GONNA DIIIE.

get some water, get a snack, and maybe a sweet, you earned it :)

and maybe follow me, I mean, I'm just saying, You should, but like, you don't gotta but, It would be nice if you did...

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