Outdoor bath (Fluffy)

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Both dream and George are elves in this story!
The setting is a little town in the forest

George's POV

I was walking around with Dream, we where collecting herbs for our little herb shop, dream was also collecting flowers. Dream always collected flowers and would make things for me with them.

"Has your bag gotten full love?" I asked dream Looking over at him "No, I still got room" Dream said smiling softly. We where walking in the town square to get to the other part of the forest around our small village.

Some of the other towns folk where starting at me, I knew what they where thinking, but dream would always protect me from them, holding my waist, giving them the death eye.

"Love, you don't gotta do that" I said walking, now closer to him. "I just don't like people looking at you" Dream muttered looking away from me.

as we walking into the forest, the less people we saw, good. "You know, I was on patrol earlier, and saw something not far from here" Dream said to me, I looked up at him "Really, what is it?" I asked him.

"You remember the outdoor baths we had as a kid, I saw one, still in good condition, Sapnap, Karl and big Q went there a little bit ago, said it still worked fine and they got a few friends to clean it up and make it look nice" Dream said.

"Oh? Really, can we go there later?" I asked Dream, Dream smiled, and kissed my forehead "Of course~" He said still having a smile on his face.

---- ---- later ---- ----

Once we closed our little shop Dream took me out to outdoor bath. "are we there yet?" I asked dream, he shook his head "Okay" I said.

dream walked up to some vines, the vines had little flowers on them "Follow me" Dream said while pushing the vines to the side and showing a Beautiful lit area with a small in ground bath, There was firefly flying around, there was white and blue flowers on the ground.

"Do you like it?" Dream asked me, I looked over at him "I love it!" I giggled, going up to him and hugged him. I looked at the bath, the bath had stones around it and a stone seat built in.

"Your gonna need to get naked Pretty boy" Dream said to me, i nodded. I started to get undress as well as dream, Once we where fully naked Dream had gotten in the bath first, then I got in.

"The water is so warm" I muttered, dream kissed my cheek softly, making me giggle. "Come here, let me bath you" Dream said moving over to the deeper side of the bath, only half of his chest showing.

I moved over to him, only my shoulders showing above the water. I sat in dreams lap as he got to washing my hair, I leaned my head back slightly, him scratching my head slightly felt good.

Dream got a little bit of water in a small cup and pored it on my hair, I giggled softly as dream looked at me. "Kiss?" I asked dream, he sighed softly, going down and kissing my lips gently.

once the kiss ended I smiled and said "Tank you love" I giggled. I turned around and sat on his lap again and stated to wash his hair, I looked down at him. "Hi" he said, chuckling softly. 

"Hi messy hair" I said back in a teasing voice, Dream huffed a little. I got the cup and filled it up with water, then pored it on dreams head, then ran my fingers trough his hair, making dream laugh.

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