Bug Men - Gil Grissom x Reader

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(A/N:  PSA: Numb is a very good song to listen to while writing.  Who knew; the push I needed to finish this was a peaceful sit down at Starbucks, with Numb playing in the background {from my device}, heh. Warning - Gil and Nick eat flies.  Also, I am desperately touch-starved in this one.)

"Goodbye, Grissom," Jim bade to the person clocking out.

You smiled at him, "Goodbye."  You were a detective assigned to the crime lab's graveyard shift, and the wife of Gil Grissom.  As soon as you stepped outside of the police station, you saw Gil.  "Hey," you smiled, walking towards him.

"Hi."  He was smiling too as he walked to you, which was nice. You let yourself get smothered in his embrace; you smelt of the same corpse anyway, just not as strongly as him. You let out an, "Mmmmmffff..." as you buried your face in his chest, eagerly wrapping your arms around his waist; he placed one arm around your upper back and the other around your waist and tightened their hold, as you liked it, chuckling at your sound.  You abruptly broke away from him and dragged him to a recess which you knew nobody would pass, and was in the blind spot of the security camera.  (How convenient.) You gripped the collar if his jacket and pulled his upper torso and head down, so that his lips slammed onto yours.  He quickly caught hold of your elbows to prevent himself from falling, his eyebrows jumping up in surprise. He ran short of breath almost instantly and forcefully yanked his head back, wheezing. "Antsy," he panted.

"Mm...I've missed you all damn day..." you rumbled, wrapping your arms around his neck, and he snaked his own forelimbs around your waist in turn. You kissed the corner of his mouth since you had to let him breathe.

"But you worked with me all night." He stood still and appreciated your affection.

"No..." You were kissing along his beard up his jaw as you spoke. "I ran around and collected information and brought in suspects for you.  You were mostly in the lab."  You had reached his ear; you gently kissed the bottommost area of its shell.  You had always kissed his ears a lot to reassure him when he was feeling bad about his hearing loss, and even after his surgery it was something that stayed.

He closed his eyes and sighed as he leant into your touch.  "I've gotten my breath back..." he murmured, hinting at what he wanted. You brought your face in front of his again and kissed him again, gentler this time. You tried your best to restrain your eagerness. Fortunately, he pulled you closer and increased the pressure of his lips on yours, giving you the go-ahead.  You let out a choked gasp when he did that, which was immediately followed by a whimper. You used your whole body to push him, backing him up against the wall. You used your hips to pin his to the wall, so that your hands could roam his torso.  He held you and let you do what you wanted, letting himself enjoy the sensations.  But he remembered something that was at hand and said softly, "Nick is waiting."  The two of you were to go for breakfast with Nick.  You let out a soft whine in protest, but gave him one last kiss and reluctantly pulled away.

He held your arm and escorted you to the parking lot. Nick was leaning against his car. "Hey," Nicky grinned toothily.

You tried to smile, and not come off as disappointed as you were. "Hello Nick."

But, he was good at his job. His grin turned playful as he cocked an eyebrow. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Yes..." you said ruefully, eyes downcast. Gil smiled kindly and petted your back.

"You guys ready to go?" Nick asked.

"Yes," your husband replied, looking at you.

You bobbed your head a few times, still looking down at the floor, eventually letting out a, "Yeah." With that, Gil pushed you to his car (which he had sent you to the station in that night) and opened the driver's seat's door for you. He knew by now that your grumbling noise was a 'thank you'. He got in the front passenger's seat; Nick sat behind his own steering wheel.  After everyone wore their seatbelts, Nick and you started driving.  Throughout the whole ride, Gil kept nuzzling you, petting your thigh, kissing your cheek, and so on, making you smile.

Multifandom Imagines (and a Headcanon set here and there)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang