Angel of Music - Erik Destler Author Insert

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(A/N:  So...this's the background. While I was writing A Better Camp David, I actually struggled with what the reader would gift to Mike.  At first, I thought of the Samulet {for those of you who don't watch it, it's from the show Supernatural. In fact, I think people who don't watch it are gonna be at a loss for this fic...sorry}.  But then I changed my mind, and you know that I decided on something that would play a song. The point of my rambling is that, I realise I always choose music.  I don't know how I can word an elaboration, and can only hope that you understand me.  And then of course my ever-wandering mind related this to Erik appearing out of nowhere's and pointing it out and...yeah.  This happened.  I hope you enjoy it. The entire story is in the first person's point of view - my perspective.)

I was lounging on my couch, typing out the words to my story A Better Camp David. I had to choose what the inserted reader would give to Mike as a Christmas present. I wrote:

[Meanwhile in your car, you reached inside your jacket. "What are you doing?" Mike asked.

"I-I wanna give this to you," you said shyly, not looking at him as you held out a small cubical wrapped box to him.

He smiled and reached out for it, taking it.  "Thank you," he said brightly.

"Merry Christmas," you quickly murmured when you remembered.

He opened it and saw that there was a model of the Samulet inside.]

Then I stopped to think. Would that be the best gift for him?  Aside from the amulet being merchandise from a show we both loved, could I give him anything more significant?

I pondered over this for a few days.  I considered changing it to a rose with a black ribbon tied around it, something I had thought of beforehand the Samulet but not actually typed.  It certainly would serve the purpose of expressing my feelings for him without him knowing it.  Because Erik was obsessively attached to Christine, to a very great fault. So was I to Mike. Erik needed Christine in his life, to save him - so I did Mike. And of course Mike would not know what the rose meant, because again, it was merchandise.

Then I shook my head violently, hence shaking the thought out of it. No. That would be too...that would be beating a dead horse. Anyone in either the Butler fandom or the phandom could do that. It was better to leave it be so that people who wished to do something like that could, without any unintentional copying of ideas. Plus, it was better to have such a thing happen in an actual story about Erik himself, not Mike. Anyway, in light of the fact that Gerry had played both roles, that might be breaking the fourth wall.

Could I not give him something more significant?  Indeed, I toyed with that question a lot.  It was two days later when I was relaxing and listening to my favourite Skillet album, specifically to the song of the same name, that I had my answer.  That song captured exactly how I felt about Mike.  I waited for when I was in the mood to write, and changed what I had previously typed to:

[Meanwhile in your car, you reached inside your jacket. "What are you doing?" Mike asked.

"I-I wanna give this to you," you said shyly, not looking at him as you held out a small cuboidal wrapped box to him.

He smiled and reached out for it, taking it.  "Thank you," he said brightly.

"Merry Christmas," you quickly murmured when you remembered.

He opened it and saw that there was an MP3 player inside.  "Ah.  Thank you," he chortled.  He had mentioned something about wanting one on occasion.

"Batteries are in. I downloaded a song so that you could test it out," you mumbled, looking down at your fists, which were clenched in your lap.

He fiddled with it and brought the song up. "Comatose by Skillet," he read aloud.

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