Hospitalised - Craig!James Bond x Reader

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(A/N: This imagine has nothing to do with SPECTRE...well, the film at least. I just needed a chase scene to get the idea down. Although, you escape from a SPECTRE base...Warning: some violence. I mean, this is a Bond imagine, so this should not really come as a surprise. 00VesperFan in case you wanna read this.)

James and you zipped through the streets of London on your motorcycles (A/N: Please refer to Never Say Never Again for full idea.), away from the SPECTRE base that the two of you had snuck into. There were three armoured cars, plus four motorcyclists on your tail - all to take down just the two of you.

Now you came upon the large carrier truck that the both of you had whizzed past earlier spanning the width of the road. Clearly, this was your faults. Behind it was an alley, that was accessible to the most skilled of motorcyclists, ie, you and James. However, you thought that the space between the back of the truck and the wall bordering the alley was too small, and sought to instead slide underneath the truck. As soon as James saw you veering off, he yelled, "(Y/N), NO!!!" Even major Boothroyd shouted into his earpiece for you to use the alley. But it was too late; you began to slow down to slide underneath the large vehicle. Since you were slower, one of the men in his car took his opportunity to shoot you. By that time, you were almost the way back out from under the truck, and the bullet busted your back tyre. You gasped in shock at the impact, mere seconds before the motorcycle spun out of control, flinging you off of it. Before you could screech, you felt yourself come into contact with hard concrete. You thought you heard - and felt - some things crunch, but you could not think any more of it as you blacked out. "(Y/N)!" James hollered once more. He had had the sense to pass into the alley and back out, so now he jumped off his bike and ran over to you. He knelt down and raised a hand to touch you, but decided against it - one look at your distorted body told him that you had way to many broken bones to be safe for him to touch. "Q? Q?!" he yelled urgently into his earpiece.

"Medical is on its way, James. Just take them out first," the quartermaster said in a softer tone, so as to calm the panicking naval commander. The said commander squared up, and quickly turned and shot his Walther at the approaching SPECTRE henchmen who were passing through via the alley.

You groaned as seemingly everything in your body ached, especially your ears - what was that infernal beeping?Then it hit you as hard as the antiseptic smell hit your nose: you were in the hospital section of MI6. You slowly opened your eyes, letting them gradually adjust to the light. The first thing you saw was the dark-attired figure of your colleague at the entrance to your ward. Based on the last remnants of some movement of his leg, he had just arrived. "Hey," he smiled softly, walking over to you.

"Hi..." you smiled back. He reached you and took your hand in his; you gladly reciprocated by curling your fingers around his.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Like an idiot..." you responded, smiling sadly.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm just happy that you're awake now," he consoled.

"Thank you..." you said, still feeling a bit guilty. "How long have I been out?" you then asked.

"Four days. You've got five broken ribs, and a hairline fracture each in your right radius, and left tibia. If you weren't wearing your helmet, you wouldn't have survived," James informed you.

Nodding in acknowledgement, you said playfully, "Got that from the doctor, did you?"

He smiled and shrugged, "Who else?"

"Hm...what time is it now?"

"Five in the evening, why?"

"Don't you always have a martini right about now?"

He could help laughing, touched, "You remember that? Actually, I didn't expect you to be awake, so I thought I'd check on you, and then go off to drink."

You smiled, "Go. Go get your drink."

James chuckled, "All right." With that, he left.

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