Forever - Sadithur Week Prompt

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Arthur and Sadie were sitting on their shared cot, with Arthur on Sadie's right

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Arthur and Sadie were sitting on their shared cot, with Arthur on Sadie's right. Arthur had one arm around Sadie's neck, his forearm dangling lazily from her shoulder.  His other hand held one side of his journal while she held the other.  He was showing her his drawings.  Whenever he turned a page, she would hold the other side steady.

When he got to a certain page, he flipped the journal closed, leaving one finger inside to mark the page, and drew his arm from around Sadie back. He moved away from her.

Arthur nervously fidgeted with the journal, pensively staring down at it.  "Listen, um...this next drawing I wanna show's why I wanted ta show ya my sketches in the first place.  There's sumthn' about me you don't yet know and..."  he trailed off, not knowing what else to say.  He wanted to tell her something else, but he just could not bring himself to say it.  Sadie looked at him patiently, hoping that he found the openness that he sought in her face.  Arthur decided it was best to just show her, and he did so.  He opened the journal to the next page and extended his arms towards her.  On the left page, there was a drawing of an infant, with the name 'Isaac' and a heart under it.  There was a separate drawing of a woman she had never seen before, with the name 'Eliza'.  On the page opposite, Eliza was holding Isaac.

Sadie looked them over, then turned to Arthur.  "Who are they?"  she asked, still open and calm.

Arthur moved his left hand to the spine of the book and supported the whole journal this way, so that he could run a finger down Isaac's face.  "My son..."  he murmured, sad.

Sadie studied his face carefully. She slowly placed a hand on his forearm; she felt him tense again. He nervously turned to face her. "It's okay," she smiled encouragingly, showing him that she was not upset with him for having had a previous relationship.

He smiled a tight-lipped smile and looked back down at his book. "Really..." He did not believe her.

"Arthur. You're worried that I'm mad at ya for having been with this Eliza, while I was with my Jakey."

"It was a long time ago, before I met ya..." he muttered.

She moved her hand from his forearm to his cheek, but he leant away. "I know Arthur, I trust you-" she said, but was taken aback when Arthur moved away.

He shook his head, "That ain't all of it."

"Whatever it is, you can tell me.  Come on, you know I won't be upset," she coaxed, but retracted her hand because she respected that Arthur did not want her contact just then.

When she took her hand away, he straightened himself again, his chest and shoulders heaving as he sighed.  "She warn't even my lover... I just slept with her and- and she bore a child..."  He looked down after his admission.

Sadie raised an eyebrow; she was honestly surprised that Arthur thought that she would be upset over that.  "Arthur, sweetheart..."  He turned to her in shock at the nickname; she was using a term of endearment, so, she was not mad at him?!?  He opened his mouth to speak, but she continued, "I ain't angry.  I don't have any hard feelings.  You did whatcha did, 'n that was a long time ago.  As long as you're happy now, I'm happy for you."

He gaped at her. That was all he could do; stare wide-eyed and wide-mouthed, while his thoughts tumbled over themselves. She smiled kindly and tried putting her hand on his cheek again. This time, he let her. She ran her hand through his coarse, bristly beard. Not too long into it, he closed his eyes and leant into her touch. She brought her other hand to the other side of his face, giving him more affection. He sighed, and his head bowed down a little as he relaxed. He savoured her touch for a few moments. "Thank you..." he murmured when he was ready. In response, she kissed his forehead.  He put the journal aside and moved to nuzzle his face in her chest, hands settling on her hips.  She ran her hands down his neck to his back, rubbing it.

One of his hands fastened on the leg further away from him, so that he could pull her as close as possible.  He then took off his boots and lay his legs across her lap, his arms going around her upper back as he buried his face in her neck.  She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed the top of his head.  "Is it okay to ask where Isaac and Eliza are now?"  When Arthur tensed and became unresponsive again, Sadie quickly rubbed his back soothingly and apologised, "I'm sorry."

But she felt him shake his head.  "No, you deserve to know."  Even though he said that, there was a certain strain in his voice.  Since Arthur wanted to tell her, she would listen.  She kelt on rubbing his back, letting him know that he could take his own time and that she would remain patient.  The motion on his back helped him to steady his breathing as well.  "They ain't around anymore..."  he whispered.  Sadie started to feel tears on her neck.  "They got murdered...for ten bucks," he got out through gritted teeth, his hands gripping her skin.

Sadie only hugged him tighter and shushed him.  "You can cry on me," she whispered, then placed a delicate kiss on the area of his jawbone just in front of his ear.  She heard soft sobbing, and felt him begin to shake as he let it out more.  His fingers dug into her skin.  She continually placed kisses on his face.  On his temple, along his hairline, his cheek, and so on.

She waited for him.  She waited for him to calm down, waited for when he was ready to collect himself.  And he stayed with her, safe and secure in the knowledge that she was there, with him, for him, and that she would not judge him.

Eventually, he peeked up at her.  "Thanks..."  he got out, still feeling a little light-headed.

"Anytime," she said genuinely.  Arthur plonked his face back down in her neck again, making her giggle.  "Say, why don't ya draw Jake for me?  You know, so that I can take looks at him too."

"You got a photograph?"  was the affirmation.

"No, but I remember exactly what he looks like.  I can describe him to ya as you draw."

"When do you want me ta do it?"

"Right now, if possible.  I know it'll help you feel better."  Indeed, Arthur happily away from her and grabbed his journal and a pencil.  She giggled at his enthusiasm and looked over his shoulder. Every little detail she gave him was added onto the paper, and, an excellent replica of Jake Adler was smiling up at Sadie.

"What do you think?" he grinned.

"It's so realistic!" She grabbed the book out of his hands and gawked joyfully at its most recent addition.

He chuckled. "I'm glad ya like it."

She faced him again and gave him an enthusiastic kiss on the cheek. "Thank you!"

"Heh, my pleasure." He petted her back. She put the journal down and sat on his lap, so that they were in more or less the reverse of their previous position. Arthur thought of something. "Hey, Sadie..."

"Mmh, yeah?" she sighed, her face still snugly in his chest.

"Ya know that I'll always love Isaac, and I know that you'll always love Jake. But, now, we have each other, and I don't ever want that ta change."

He felt her give him a squeeze. "Me neither Arthur, me neither."

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