Fun and Games - Sadithur Week Prompt

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(A/N:  Warning - contains Sean's swearing

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(A/N:  Warning - contains Sean's swearing.  Lol.  Also, I don't know how to play poker, but I do know how to play gin, sooo here's this.  By the way, a little tale from my own playing:  the hearts get forsaken the most frequently.  If I play six rounds, hearts will get forsaken for four of them.)

Arthur, Sadie, Sean and John were sitting around a barrel, playing gin rummy.  Sadie was sitting opposite Arthur, while Sean was on Arthur's right.

"Argh, no way ye won again, Morgan!" Sean exclaimed, tossing his cards down to the barrel in frustration. John made his own sign of protest, while Sadie just looked at Arthur bemusedly.

Arthur just smiled cockily from one side of his mouth and shrugged. "Pay up."

"That's not fair!  Ye won't git Sadie ta pay ye cause ye share money!"

Arthur merely shrugged.  "She's my sweetheart."

But Sadie quickly took some money out of her pocket and held it out to Arthur to appease Sean.  "Here."

Arthur understood and took it without question.  Seeing as Sadie had paid, John did too.  They both stared at Sean.  Knowing that he had no choice, the Irishman begrudgingly forked over his money.  But the good Arthur received it with as much geniality as he had Sadie's and John's.  He stacked the money neatly.  After putting it into his pocket, he gathered up all the cards and did the same with them.  "Another round?"  he asked as he began to shuffle.

"Sure," John said.

Sean thumped the side of his fist down on the barrel.  "I'm in!  I don't believe I cannae beat Arthur!  It's a matter of time 'fore luck turns in this Irishman's favour!"

"Alright you damned leprechaun," Arthur chuckled good-humouredly.

"Well.  You know I'm in," Sadie shrugged with her hands.  Arthur flashed a loving smile at her.

He shuffled the cards properly, ensuring that any complaints or suspicions Sean might have were dissipated.  When he was done, he held the deck out to Sean.  "Here.  You can cut it again."

"That I gladly will do."  He lifted most of the deck, leaving only four cards in Arthur's hand.  He placed them down in front of Sean then slid the card off the top of the stack to him.  He gathered the rest of the cards in his hands and dealt them to Sadie, John, then himself.  The cycle repeated twice more, so everybody had fifteen cards.  Arthur turned the card on top of the remaining stack over; it was the king of diamonds.  Sean rejected it and placed the three of clubs on top of it, taking a fresh card.

Sean's POV:
Fecking useless!!!  I drew the other three of clubs!!!!!

Third Person's POV:
Sadie put out the king of hearts and took the three of clubs that Sean had rejected.  John put down the ten of hearts and took a fresh card; it seemed like hearts were going to be the forsaken set again.

Ah, but Arthur put down the two of clubs and took that very card - and, hey, why had he put out a card that Sean needed?

Naturally, Sean took that card, in place of the nine of diamonds. Sadie put out the five of diamonds and took a fresh card. John was the first to place his opening sequence: the four to seven of spades. Arthur did one better - literally - by placing down the ten to ace of hearts. Sean growled. He threw out the seven of diamonds and took a fresh card. Sadie gave herself her own opening license of the three to six of clubs. John slotted the nine of hearts behind Arthur's set. Arthur put down the nine of spades, diamonds and clubs.

Sean finally opened with the two to five of clubs. So both fours and fives of clubs were used up. Sadie slid the nine of hearts behind Arthur's opening pile. John set down the three to five of diamonds. Arthur slotted the one and two of diamonds behind John's set.

Arthur had five cards left, while Sean still had eleven. Sadie had ten, and John had seven.

Sean was fuming. He tossed out the other seven of spades and took a fresh card. Sadie took the seven of spades in place of the three of spades. John shrugged and took it, exchanging it with the other king of diamonds.

Arthur put down both jays of spades, and the jay of clubs. Sean put the other nine of hearts with the rest of the nines. John put out the seven of spades, diamonds and hearts. Sadie put the other seven of hearts there, and the eights of hearts, spades and diamonds out.

Arthur tossed the other seven of diamonds down, leaving him with one card. When his turn came back around, he did the same with the other eight of spades.

"THAT'S IT!!! I'M OUT OF 'ERE!!!!" Sean yelled, throwing his hands up and storming off. As for Arthur, he was pressing a fist to his mouth to stifle his laughter, but to little avail.

"I guess we needa go ta Saint Denis more," John said to Sadie.

"Yes, yes we do," she agreed, chuckling along with her boyfriend.

John held his money out to Arthur, but he just waved it off. "Right then, I'm going to bed down for the night. See ya."

"Goodnight John." She moved to take Sean's seat and waited for Arthur to calm down. "You play really well," she grinned.

"Yep, that I do!" he wheezed. She still smiled at him.

Sadie turned her head about, making sure that they were alone. Upon ascertaining so, she leant towards Arthur and kissed him.

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