Physical Affection Headcanons for Gil Grissom

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(A/N: Because I'm super in love with him and need all the self-indulgence I can get.)

- Okay, first of all, LOOK AT THIS GUY.

- You can just see that he is so GENTLE

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- You can just see that he is so GENTLE.  You know that his hugs are the most comforting, and his touches are the most delicate.

- But, I should set some details right before I get carried away any further.  The setting up is gonna be in the past tense, and once it reverts to the present tense, you'll know it's over.

- You started out as friends before dating, so you were already used to shaking hands, hi fiving or fist bumping if Gil was up for them, and even hugging each other once he was familiar and comfortable enough with you.

- But with the shift in the relationship, things became a little different. Previously, your hugs were brief and reassuring, like how Gil hugged Catherine and Warrick.

- You both noticed the changes in how you felt when you became more nervous to touch each other because your touches became more inherently romantic. You stood directly next to each other, so much so that the backs of your hands were rubbing against each other's, and you interlocked your fingers.  Touches on the arm lingered before being retracted with great reluctance.

- Your hugs became longer, and there was a special longing in them.  The one of you held the other as if you were afraid to lose them.  He rested his chin on the top of your head, and allowed you to place your nose where his neck joined his shoulder and inhale his scent.  You rubbed your hands more vigorously on his back.

- Since you were a detective, the both of you did not care to keep these touches private.  Catherine was the one who approached you two about the matter. She did not do it on purpose; you were embracing in the break room, a very communal area, where anybody who came just to get food had to deal with whatever you two were doing.  And, of course, it was not a hug that would be just between friends; he was holding your face while your hands were on his chest.  The both of you had your eyes closed with your faces almost touching each other's, yet neither of you dared to actually close that final gap.

- And when she entered, you did not break apart.  You still kept up with that hold.  So, seeing as neither of you cared about discretion, she did not either.  She came to stand about two and a quarter metres away from you and spoke in a soft voice, "Um, just what exactly is going on here?"

- Gil turned his head to look at her.  He still held your face, and you did not want to come out of the blissful feeling, so you kept facing him, but with your eyes open then.  Gil, in his usual matter-of-fact and oblivious manner, stated, "What does it look like, Catherine?  We're embracing."

- That got the poor woman shaking her head.  "Uh, no, I mean, what is going on between you two?"

- Knowing that you would have a more tactful answer than Gil, you plucked your head out of his hands, so he rested them on your shoulder.  You answered, "Um, actually, we haven't talked about in, not between" You sounded guilty when you said that, and after you spoke you cast your gaze down to the floor.

- Catherine gave a few short nods of understanding, putting a hand on the table to support herself as she stepped backwards.  Since she was further away she raised her volume and said, "Well, I came here to eat, not to watch," she gestured in your general direction with both hands and shook her head, "whatever this is, so if you could take this elsewhere, that'd be great." She made her way to the fridge. Gil and you looked at each other.  Then, he held your arm and guided you to his office.

  Then, he held your arm and guided you to his office

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- You had a talk.  It was easy to converse about the matter at hand, because your mutual romantic attraction was so obvious to one another.  An external force had been required to get the situation to progress.

- Once your relationship was officially established and announced to your friends, you displayed it a lot more.

- He deliberately holds your arm more obviously whenever you are walking along the hallways and discussing evidence.  Praise and thanks are shown through kisses on the cheek, forehead or top of the head.

- Don't ask me why, but he loves his nose being kissed. He just does, okay?

- Towards the same effect, you love it when he kisses the bridge of your nose, especially when you're sitting down and he bends down to kiss you.  There's just something about the way it feels when he's pressing his lips to the bridge of your nose and his beard is tickling that particular surrounding area.

- When he's sitting at his desk and mulling over the current case, he likes to have you sit across from him and stretch your arm out on the desk so that he can play with your hand.  It helps him think. He will also bring your hand to his lips, making you blush.

- The both of you like to put your fingers on one another's wrists and necks.  It is a nice substitute for when you're separated by a table and can't put your head on the other's chest.

- Cuddling while watching movies is a must.  During sad movies, or emotional scenes, he holds you tight as you cry into his chest.  This always takes place in his bed, since it is the most comfortable, and you do not have a television in your own bedroom.  Besides, the only time you get to watch movies is after shift, so you can fall asleep right after.  If the both of you go for a cinema date, you will try to suppress your reaction, so he squeezes your hand and smiles at you comfortingly.

- Speaking of sleeping together, it happened the first time the both of you fell asleep during a movie. You were so tired after work, and thought you could make it through the film - after which you yourself would drive home - but you were both deadbeat. You fell asleep on him; your head drooped down on his shoulder. He shifted his half-open eyes to you with some effort, then pressed the buttons on the remote to put the film on standby and then turn off the television. He slid the both of you to lie down; you were already dead asleep. He pulled you close. With you at his side (and halfway on top of him), he fell asleep the easiest he ever had. When you woke up the next morning, there was not the slightest form of surprise on your part. It was somehow natural to sleep with him. In fact, you soon moved in with him.

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