Oh H... - Horatio Caine x Reader

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Requested by GrindelwaldSparrow

"See ya later, darling," the uniform officer, said to you with that disgusting smirk and exaggerated wink he had adopted ever since he had started being assigned to your cases. Along with those came an endless assault of creepy and suggestive comments.

You cringed as you walked past him, staying close to Horatio's side. Horatio had taken it upon himself to always partner with you for your scenes so that he could be with you when you had to go through what you did. And you really appreciated him for it, especially since it was him who was accompanying you, for...reasons...

"It's okay, ignore him..." he mumbled to you. He was trying to remain calm for your sake, but you could feel that he was seething. Anyway, his anger was not what aggravated you. In fact his presence was comforting.

"Mm, I know..." you strained. Once you two had walked around the corner, he put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. At least you found a little bit of comfort being in the embrace of the man you would rather have to hold your heart more than any other. It was a silent walk to the Hummer, as you two just leant into each other, allowing yourselves to enjoy the closeness. Upon reaching his car, he lifted his arm from you. You were a little disappointed at the loss, but his doing was necessary. He walked around to the driver's side, his same hand reaching into his coat pocket for the key as he did so. You waited until you heard the doors unlocking before opening the front passenger's door and getting in beside him. "I'll really have to speak to Frank about this," he huffed out, "I don't know why you're so against the idea. Even though they're not from the same unit, Frank can still speak to his captain." He spoke while you put on your seatbelts.

"You don't have to, H..." you protested weakly, like every other time you had this conversation.

"Why, (y/n), why?!" an exasperated lieutenant asked you harshly, his head bobbing with every word he threw out, and his arms shaking tensely all the way up to his fingers in time with his head's bobbing.

"It's not the kind of thing you go around telling people about!" you responded just as harshly, his anger aggravating your own. Your fists clenched and your shoulders tensed. But as soon as the words had left your mouth, your arms became limp again, as you folded your arms across yourself, as if protecting yourself, and turned to look out the window. You had finally told him why you did not want to tell anybody else. It had taken his not understanding and pressing to finally get it out of you.

Horatio's own limbs relaxed as well, his gaze softening to one of apology. He took off his sunglasses as he called your name. "I'm sorry," he said sincerely.

You took a deep breath before shifting slightly so that you faced the windshield. "It's all right, H..." you mumbled.

He placed his hand on your elbow, causing you to look at him. "I'm sorry," he said again, making sure you knew he meant it. You gave a small smile and put your hand over his, petting it, letting him know that you forgave him. On the second pet, he caught your hand and held it. You swore that electric shocks ran through the both of you. Yet somehow you still managed to remain alert and perceive the words that he still somehow managed to say. "Since you don't want to tell anyone else...how about I deal with him for you?"

That brought you back to full vigilance. Your back straightened, and you turned to face him as much as you could. Your hand never left his though. "What do you mean?" you asked.

"Just, give him a warning," he said simply.

"Okay..." you voiced, quite blankly. You were more curious than anything. He chuckled and leant across to your seat, enveloping you in a bear hug. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, closing your eyes and leaning your chin on his shoulder. After a few blissful moments, he withdrew and began the drive back to the laboratory.

Multifandom Imagines (and a Headcanon set here and there)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang