No One would Listen - Mike Banning Self-Comfort Fic

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(A/N:  I don't care that it's a different character.  I need this, and none of you can take it away from me.)

All my life, I had been abused, tortured, degraded.  Not physically, but mentally and emotionally.  Thrown aside, outcasted.

No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears

At present, I was hiding in the furthest corner of the attic of my (and Mike's) house.  It had a basement, but it was entered more frequently than the attic.  I was sitting on the floor with the light off, hugging my legs and crying into my knees.

Shamed into solitude
Shunned by the multitude

I just kept overthinking, my pain flooding your mind, keeping the tears flowing from my eyes.

I learned to listen
In my dark, my heart heard music
I longed to teach the world
Rise up and reach the world

I wished that your pain would stop, but I could not stop it.

No one would listen
I alone could hear the music

The only person in my life that was different was Mike. He loved and accepted me for who I was. He accepted that I was damaged, broken. And he accepted that maybe I would never be completely repaired or healed, but he took pride in taking care of me and helping me.  Because he was proud of me, for still trying. Even though my attempts were very weak a lot of times. He knew that I was trying to fight. I just needed someone to support me. And he would be that for me, and so much more.

Then at last, a voice in the gloom
Seemed to cry, "I hear you.
I hear your fears
Your torment and your tears."

The door to the attic opened.  He sighed when he found me in the state I was; obviously, my sobs were audible from the door.

She saw my loneliness
Shared in my emptiness

He walked over to me and sat down next to me.  Knowing that I was not ready to talk, he put his arm around you and pulled me close to him.

No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears

I cried into his chest, holding him weakly but desperately, as if my life depended on it.  He just held me for as long as I needed him to, silently letting me know that he would always be there for me.

No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears

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