Back and Forth - Sadithur Week Prompt

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Arthur was stalking around camp, wearing the dreaded skunk hat

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Arthur was stalking around camp, wearing the dreaded skunk hat. As much as Sadie loved him, she hated that his fashion sense ranged from being the finest-looking gentleman in Saint Denis to...whatever the hell this was. So, when they happened to pass each other by, she quickly shot a hand out and yoinked the hat off his head. "HEY!" he yelled, his hands flying to his head as he whipped around to face Sadie; she tossed the hat some ways away. Copper, who had been following Arthur, barked and ran after it, thinking that the woman who had become his second human wanted to play fetch.  "What was that for?!"

"Arthur.  I've told you not to wear that hat," she sighed wearily, folding her arms and putting her weight on one leg.

"And I've told you that I like it," he responded, reaching down and taking the hat which Copper held in his mouth, sitting down and tail wagging wildly.  "Thank you Cop."  He fixed it back onto his head.  But Copper started whining at this; he wanted to play more.  Sadie immediately took the hat off and threw it again.  Copper yapped excitedly and ran after it, elated, in contrast to his first human looking at Sadie in stunned incredulity.  Oh she laughed at his face.  When Copper returned, his paws pattering quickly, Arthur tried to take his hat, but Sadie was too quick for him; she tossed the hat away again. This time, Arthur ran with Copper, trying to reach his hat before the animal did.  Sadie had to clamp her hands over her mouth to muffle her laughter, her body shaking as a result of the sound having nowhere to go.  But of course, the dog reached the hat first, and immediately dashed back to Sadie with it.  "No!"  Arthur cried out, dirt flying up a little when he skidded to a halt and turned back around.  Upon receiving the hat, Sadie smartly threw it in the opposite direction.

However, Arthur did not run after it this time.  While Copper shot past Sadie, Arthur stopped when he reached her.  He just trapped her in a bear hug, ensuring that she could not move.  Her face being pressed into his torso meant that he obstructed her view too.  "Hey..."  she vocalised, muffled, "that's not fair."

"You're the one who just started throwing my hat," he argued gently, holding her snugly and lovingly.  Sadie could not complain; he gave the best hugs.  This time when Copper returned, it was Arthur who finally retrieved his hat, having fastened one arm around Sadie first.  "I'm gonna let go of you now.  Don't throw it anymore, okay?"

"I won't Arthur."

He trusted her, and let go of her, slowly stepping back, keeping his hands on her arms while the hat remained secured in between two fingers.  She gently took the hat, and held it over his head, about to place it down.  But he took the hat away, just holding it, and shook his head.  "I won't wear it if you hate it that much."

She smiled and dropped her hands to his shoulders, her palms still while her fingers caressed them.  "Thank you."

He smiled back at her, putting his hands on her elbows and bumping his nose against hers; they were not comfortable with kissing in public.  "I'm gonna go put this in my tent," he murmured.

"Sure you don't wanna keep Copper occupied?"  she jested.

"Oh, he will be all right."  He leant back from her and walked away at last.  Sadie smiled as she watched him go for a few moments, then got back to her own work.

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