In Rememberance of a King - Connery!James Bond x Reader

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(A/N: YES that is the title even though NO, it has no bearing on the story. This is in honour of our beloved Sean Connery. May he rest in peace.)

James was at a baccarat table, with you seated next to him, not to play yourself, but as his companion, as per your cover for the present mission. You were on his left side, so that while he could use his playing hand, his other arm could wrap around your waist. He had been playing for quite a while now, and the time was ebbing into the wee hours of the morning. You were on active duty and were used to going without sleep, but you were still tired; you required sleep while gambling was a form of relaxation for James. You were actually falling asleep on him, your head on his shoulder. James being James, you felt his hand slide from your waist further down your hip. You hoped that James would respect you enough to let you just sleep. Not too long after you felt his hand move, the game ended. He helped you stand and escorted you to the DB5, having to do most of the physical work as he placed a nearly-dozing you in the passenger seat.

When he had successfully walked you into your shared hotel room - yes, you were posing as a couple - he closed the door and pulled you so that your front was directly touching his.  "James, please..."  you practically sighed sleepily, blinking rapidly to try to wake yourself up.

"All right," he complied, but still held you so that you did not fall.

"I think I can walk..."  you murmured, pushing yourself off from him.  You stumbled only slightly as you made your way to the chair where your sleepwear was hanging.  You took them and went into the bathroom.  James changed outside.  He just put on a pair of pajama trousers and got into bed shirtless, pulling the covers up to his waist.  He bent an arm under his head so that he had a vantage point to watch the bathroom door.  The both of you had brushed your teeth prior to going to the casino, so he just lay in bed and waited for you.  You came out and, after carelessly casting your other clothes on the same chair, plonked down onto the bed, just faceplanting at a diagonal angle on the bed.  James moved to pull you further onto the bed but your hand shot forwards to halt him, accompanied by a muffled, "I'm fine."  You brought your other arm forwards and pushed yourself so that your head and chest were off the bed, the point of contact starting from your abdomen.  You clenched your fists and dragged yourself to position yourself rightly, with your head now above your pillow and your legs towards the foot of the bed.

Fulfilling that, you faceplanted again.  James made two gentle tugs on the covers in quick succession, causing you to roll off and roll back under them when he lifted them for you.  You cuddled up to him and lay your head on his chest; while you never allowed James to have you in the way he usually did with other women, the pair of you had taken to holding each other at night.  The both of you were able to sleep more comfortably and, you did not know about James but, it certainly made you feel safer.  Your hand automatically went to his chest hair and played with it.

"You like chest hair?"  he had asked on the first night you did it.  You has given a simple 'yes', too shy to say anymore.  He had accepted it and docilely laid still, enjoying the feeling of your hand running over his chest and through the hair there.  He had done the same every night since.

"You don't let me have you, and yet you enjoy holding me," he put to you, not meaning for it to be accusatory, but a genuine inquiry.

"I don't want to just be another mission fling of yours...we know each other personally.  I see you often.  How can I pass you by everyday without thinking about what we have done, if I allow you to do it?"  It was late at night, and you were too tired to put a halter on your speech.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that someone was genuinely in love with me," he smiled teasingly.  He had meant it in jest, but your fingers, which has been curling in and out of his chest hair even throughout your expunging, stilled.  You wanted to shift backwards and turn to sleep facing away from him, but that single pause gave you away to him.  Even though he did not physically restrain you, his next words took you prisoner and made you freeze in your spot.  With a raised eyebrow, he asked a gentle, "You are?  Why?"  Both you and James knew that he had valid basis for his question:  you of all people knew of his promiscuous nature, and yet you still gave your heart to him.

"I don't know, James..."  you sighed, giving a gentle tug on his chest hair for comfort, "you can be loyal when you want always remain loyal to queen and country, you remain loyal to the mission, no matter what the costs are.  That's why I admire you.  You protect those close to you to the best of your ability.  You are gentlemanly, patient and understanding.  I'm sorry, and I understand if you don't want anything more to do with me-"

"You have nothing to apologise for," he cut in.   He had been happy to listen to your explanation, but stopped you when you started to doubt yourself.  "You are still very dear to me.  I assure you, I will not push you away."  You looked up at him in shock.  Your breathing came in rapid succession, and, at a few hours past midnight, you did not have any control of your tear ducts.  Seamlessly, he placed a hand on each of your cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe your tears, and continued, "But, how do you feel now that you have told me this?"

Your hands held onto his forearms.  You calmed down quicker than you had started crying, not really having had to cry but having given in to the fact that it was probably three in the morning, and spoke, "I-if you still want to...I'd like for us to stay friends."

He dried the rest of your tears and moved the both of you so that he was on his back with you at his side, head on his chest again.  You closed your eyes and your hand returned to its previous position.  "All right..."  he murmured, placing a protective kiss on your forehead at this point, then mumbling against it, "I'll stay."

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