I Just Need a Hug - Joe Manco x Reader

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(A/N: I actually wrote this out using pen and paper a while ago, when I was feeling really down...writing this really helped me.  I hope that, if ever you're in the rough and you're tired of some things, whatever they may be, that you can read this and really absorb yourself in it and it helps you comforts you, like it is for me.  I know my writing is very messy, but I wrote this pouring out a torrent of emotion.)

You let yourself fall into Joe's arms, making soft, tired grunting sounds as you did so to convey how much you needed this, needed him to hold you. "Woah, what happened to ya?" the green-eyed man asked, his deep, soothing voice seeming to run right through your body and relax all your slow-functioning muscles as his strong arms engulfed you in a warm and loving embrace, cradling you to him as he let you lean into him, burying your head in his chest and inhaling his scent, which was heavily overidden with the smell of cigarillo smoke and ash.

"I got 'em...I got 'em all," was all you grunted out before going into silence once more, save for the exhausted, needy whimpers of comfort and relief as you just soaked Joe up; you really appreciated him for holding you, accommodating you, loving you.

"Well...what'd you do with the bodies?" the blonde asked you as he walked the both of you towards the bed and sat down, then lifting you somewhat so that you could wrap your legs around his waist, your feet having slipped out of your boots, as you still clung onto his neck, never letting go.

"Dougie," you replied.  "I had to take more..."  referring to the number of hits, "he's an old man..."

"I'm sure he didn't want ya to take that much," he sighed, raising a hand to stroke your face.  "Anyway, he ain't that old," he smiled, trying to lighten your mood.

At that, the smaller bounty hunter smiled tiredly up at her partner.  "I know...but I needed him ta patch me up - why ya think I ain't bleedin' that bad?  Anyway...I'd rather it be me than him.  He's our pa after all."

Joe nodded, "I know, darl'.  But still...he and I don't like seein' you hurt.  Come now," at this point, the hand that was caressing your face dropped to take off your gunbelt, "let's get you some rest."  You put your head back on Joe's chest, something which the latter took as silent agreement mixed with tired resignation.  He cast the belt onto the table, and did the same with your hat, which he had to pick up from the chair it had fallen onto when his lover had collapsed onto him.  While slipping his feet out of his boots, he gently rubbed his hands on the sides of your thighs, murmuring in your ear, "You needa move a little...I wanna lie us down."  You obeyed wordlessly, your legs now dangling to the side of Joe's lap.  Here the blonde had to move the two of you considerably more, so that you were both nicely tucked under the covers, you lying atop him.  A few tender runnings of Joe's fingers through your hair quickly lulled you to sleep, the male following soon after to the sound of your peaceful breathing.

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