NADIIIIIR! - POTO AU, contains Eristine

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(A/N:   This was another idea I had for the writing challenge I submitted "That was MY Voice!"  for.  I didn't want to let the idea die, so here it is.  I still kept it to 500 words.)

Somehow in a somewhat better world.  Erik still haunted the opera house, but Christine stayed with him, sleeping in the swan bed with Erik every night - after discovering the horror of him sleeping in his coffin and dragging him to the proper bed. Now Christine flew to greater heights as the star of the Opera Populaire with the help of her Angel of Music.

The one thing that was constant, and that was a good thing, was the friendly rivalry between the Opera Ghost and a certain Persian.

It was a slow day, what with the opera house being on a break - performance season had ended not too long ago. So, Erik did not have to supervise much. Except for a few maintenance workers, he did not have anybody to haunt. He did not want to scare the maintenance workers because they actually did a good job. The managers only came back occasionally, so those were the only times Erik went into full haunting Phantom mode. Other than that, he spent most of his time creating, some of it resting, and some of it practising his swordfighting, for the fun of it.

At present, he was swinging his rapier at some wooden dummies he had made just for this purpose. He had successfully engineered them to be able to hold and move wooden swords of their own.  He had yet to enable them to move on their legs and turn their bodies, but they could return his slashes at least.

Since Christine had gone for a walk around the quiet opera house, Erik was alone...or so he thought.  A figure armed with a pistol crept down one of Erik's secret staircases that ended at his living area.  Erik was too focused on his assumed loneliness that he did not notice the stranger cocking his gun quietly, taking aim, and...

The thin wooden neck of the dummy Erik was practising with broke, the head flying off.   Erik ducked behind the statues and held his rapier at the ready, pointing it in the direction the shot had come from.  "WHO DARES ASSAIL ME IN MY OWN ABODE?!!!!"  he yelled, his voice booming throughout the chamber.  Erik heard the person fall against the wall, slide down to sit on the floor and...he heard the all-too familiar laughter of his old counterpart, Daroga.  "NADIIIIIR!"  he hollered, dropping his sword and running towards him.  Daroga's laughter only increased in volume and intensity when his name was yelled.

Christine had arrived back by this time, and had heard Erik's voice echoing all the way up to half the journey from the mirror.  "What is going on?"  she asked, an amused smile on her face and an eyebrow raised.

"NADIR SHOT MY STATUE!"  he hollered, waving his arms about dramatically.

Both Christine and Nadir threw their heads back with laughter.  "I've been wanting to do something like that for so long!"  he wheezed.  Erik merely grumbled and went to pick up the fallen head.

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