Falling Through Ice - 10 Days of GSR ficmas day 7

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As Gil and Sara progressed with their relationship, they took more time for themselves other than just spending time together at work

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As Gil and Sara progressed with their relationship, they took more time for themselves other than just spending time together at work. They took a yearly vacation towards that effort. Most recently, Sara told Gil that they should visit Cambridge in Massachusetts, where she used to study. He happily agreed to accompany her to the city of her old university.

They were walking around the city, hand in hand and decked out with thick coats and gloves as they strolled leisurely and took in their surroundings.  They came upon the Charles river.  It was completely frozen over.  It looked beautiful.  It also appeared solid, and stable to walk on.  Gil looked at Sara.  "Can we walk on it?"  he asked her.

"Yeah.  I used to do it all the time," she said.  As soon as she said that, she confidently stepped onto the ice, pulling Gil to keep pace with her. Their initial steps were tentative and careful. They also stopped holding hands so that they could stick their arms out for balance. As they got used to walking on their ice, they walked faster, lowering their arms, thinking they were safe.

But of course, they were not. One fateful step Gil took had the ice under his foot cracking and breaking, and he fell into the water, his arms scrambling to try to keep their hold on the ice' surface, but it was very slippery.

"GIL!" Sara yelled, precariously sliding on her feet to get to him as quickly as possible. She grabbed onto his hand and held his forearm, leaning her weight back. With her hold and weight pulling on him, his other arm did not slide so much on the ice, and he managed to use his arm to crawl out of the hole, whilst Sara tugged him up. When he was fully out, Sara did not give him time to sit down and rest. She helped him stand up and kept a hold on him to stabilise him as they walked. "We have to keep moving to keep you warm. We're going back to the hotel now." When they were off the ice, Sara tugged Gil's coat off, hanging it over her arm and rubbing his back to give him what little warmth she could. "Rub your chest," she instructed. With shivering hands, he did as he was told. They hurried to the nearest road. Every person they passed knew exactly what had happened; Gil was too cold to feel embarrassed. Sara flagged down a cab and got Gil and herself inside. She barked out the name of the hotel and the driver sped off, understanding the direness of the situation. Sara rubbed Gil's chest and back as vigorously as she could. When they reached the hotel, Sara quickly paid the cabbie. She hurried Gil into the building and into a lift. They rushed to their room.

As soon as they got through the door, Sara told Gil, "Take off your clothes." Of course, he did not get very far before Sara finished locking the door and came to help him. They left his wet clothes on the floor. Sara momentarily parted from Gil to get three towels. She handed one to him, and they wiped his body dry. She left the third towel on her shoulder. When his body was completely dry (and subsequently much warmer from all the rubbing) Sara guided Gil to the hair dryer. She handed him the third towel.  "Dry your hair with this.  Once I hang up the other towels, I'll start the hair dryer."  Without saying anything or nodding his head, he started doing as Sara told him.  Sara in turn went to suit the action to the word.

When Sara told Gil that his hair was sufficiently dry, he was quick to dive under the bed covers and curl up. Sara laughed. She went to hang up the third towel. She then collected his clothes and put them in a laundry pile. Since her clothes could still be worn, she kept them aside after having taken them off. She joined Gil in bed. He immediately scooted up to her and snuggled her, soaking up her warmth. "Oh, golly, you are so cold," she remarked, shivering.

"Mmf..." was all he let out, yawning at the soothing sensation of Sara rubbing her arms up and down his body.

"We are never doing that again.  I'm sorry for suggesting it," she said sincerely.

"I'll always remember the Charles river as 'the river I fell into'," he mused ruefully.

"Oh no.  I am so sorry."

"It's fine.  It was quite an experience," he chuckled.

She smiled and shook her head.  "I doubt you want to experience it again."

"Oh, of course not.  But hey," he shrugged, "it was exciting.  And I've learned something new.  So, it wasn't thoroughly unpleasant."

She smiled at him.  She kissed his forehead.  "I love you," she said.

"I love you too," he smiled back.

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